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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Yep, except for a few snowmen decorations and candles, my house is back to its pre-Christmas dull. We will stay at home all day, then DH will grill some steaks for our supper. Tomorrow we will go to church and go to a local bar/grill and watch the Packer/Cowboy game.

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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

We de-Christmased last weekend. This has been kind of a crazy week. DH usually has one work from home day each week, but this week he was home more. We had an appointment on a different day and then he ended up with a second WFH day because the weather got bad and the boss told everyone to stay home.

We had plans to meet up with my sisters and BILs today, but those plans changed too, due to weather. Roads are closed by my sister in Michigan. They just moved there last summer, about a block or two from the lake. What a rude awakening they had last year with all the snow. She's already counting the days until spring.

We'll have a quiet day today, but tomorrow the kids will all be here for dinner.

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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

It is! The guests are gone, the special meals, shopping, and holiday events are past, and the decorations are down and back in storage till next year. I love the Christmas season, but am always ready for it to be over and to return to my "ordinary" home and schedule. Life is good.


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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Our house was almost back to normal by last weekend, so I had only a few Creches to put away.

We have no plans for this weekend.

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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

No, chaos erupted. Burst pile flooded my bedroom yesterday. The pros have repaired the pipe and water sucked out but I have a lot of tossing out to do. It's a wreck around here. Better get back to it.
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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Nope tree still up & decorated.
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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Nope, and boxes are all over the living room, but I can't find the energy to take the ornaments off of the tree and put all of the decorations into the boxes!
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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Back to basics. No big plans this weekend. Too cold! A little housework this weekend - ongoing projects - planning for February trip to Phoenix. I need an attitude adjustments about this cold weather!

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

As much as I love the Christmas season, I love January even when all the hubbub is over and I can get down to doing decluttering and organizing and projects around the house. OR, I can do nothing, if I so choose. January is my "me" month.

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Re: A Nice Quiet Weekend..... Finally ! Is Your House Back To Normal Yet?

Back to normal here,Sunday Supper resumes today,have 16 coming over.