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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

I don't go to reunions.   @fairydogmother I hope you enjoy yours!  I think it's great some people want to go and socialize, but it's just not for me.

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

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I was the new girl from the big city who started at this small town hs my sophomore year. I made friends quickly. We had a class of around 250. Because we have reunions every five years, and I keep in touch with some of the folks, have seen a few in person, it feels like we are all "close" in a way. For example I will see my old boyfriends and it will be fun like always, not awkward. Lots of joking around, nice to see their wives again too. My old gal pals and I will be happy to reunite for the evening. I doubt that any reunion would feel like this had my mom not remarried to the man from this small town. I would have gone to a huge school with 3 or 4000 kids in my class


the only negative thing is this: my best friend in hs and I had kept in touch via Facebook and messaging until the 2020 presidential election cycle. She and I are polar opposites politically. Lots of ugliness transpired on social media between Ginnie and her squad if you will, and me. She finally messaged me and said she could no longer be friends with someone who thinks like I do. Yes she said those exact words. So seeing her might be...interesting 😳

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

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Ive been to two high school reunions, and one semi-official one that was sad: a classmate who had become the principlal of the high school I attended (he was a classmate of mine from third grade) was gravely ill, and I wanted to see him and his wife (also an old classmate).


The people who came to John's gathering have not been going to reunions at all, and. . . my, they were snarky!  I felt as if I was back in the girls' room being critiqued!  The occasion itself was so sad, that I wondered at the amount of criticism that greeted the venue (our high school) and the food. 


I loved touring the old school, though--brought back a lot of memories.


The official reunions have been much more cordial!  Wouldn't have missed the gathering in honor of John and his wife, though.

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

@fairydogmother well...if Ginnie knew what we know she would know she is the one that is going to be missing our not hanging with  and your fabulous self!  She will be sorry!  I sure hope you have big fun!!  

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

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@fairydogmother I hope you have a wonderful time.


Personally, I prefer to remember all of us as we were. No going back.


Reminds me of the film "Splendor in the Grass" when Natalie Wood recited in her mind the Wordsworth verse basically saying we can never go back, but will find strength in what remains behind.💐😢

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

@Trinity11 wrote:

@fairydogmother I hope you have a wonderful time.


Personally, I prefer to remember all of us as we were. No going back.


Reminds me of the film "Splendor in the Grass" when Natalie Wood recited in her mind the Wordsworth verse basically saying we can never go back, but will find strength in what remains behind.💐😢

oh geez. That movie. 😔

Harmonize the World with Barbershop Music
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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

Enjoy your reunion!


Funny reading this now, our high school class is having a "mini reunion" at a local restaurant this evening.  I am 4 hours away, so won't make it.


I went to an all girl Catholic(!) high school.  Going from a public elementary to a Catholic HS, took some time to adjust.  But I ended up loving it.  In fact, somehow I ended up on the reunion committee and I wasn't even friendly with the crowd that runs it.  Not sure how that happened.


Our 50th reunion 2 years ago was a weekend thing.  We met Friday evening at a local bar, Saturday had a special Mass for our class, including those who past, dinner and then met for breakfast Sunday morning.  We stayed up way too late, just like we did way back when.  It was fun.


Wear the white pants and a flowy top.  And have fun!


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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

@Franklinbell wrote:

@fairydogmother well...if Ginnie knew what we know she would know she is the one that is going to be missing our not hanging with  and your fabulous self!  She will be sorry!  I sure hope you have big fun!!  

you're so sweet thank you 😊 

Harmonize the World with Barbershop Music
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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

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Have to say it depends where your event(s) will be held as to what you wear. For my fiftieth (did not attend clear across the country) saw pictures online & dinner was held at a swankier place. All the women had dresses on. Next day was casual.


If you need to wear a dress, how about one that covers your knees & for batwings one with sleeves &/or a jacket or cardi.


Enjoy your time & maybe update us on how it went. 

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Re: 55th hs reunion coming up

@fairydogmother : Be thankful that you are able to go. Dress comfortable. Enjoy and have fun. Stay cool.