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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

Sweet kid...


Sorry apologists and excuse makers, but I'd posit most five year olds know it isn't alright to stick a knife into someone's back. I know I sure did. Some are bemoaning how this kid will need years of therapy to deal with the guilt. What if there isn't any guilt? I also wonder why no futher details are forthcoming, but one could likely hazard a solid guess. 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

This is just so horrible!  How do you "move on" from this??  What kind of counseling is going to help this 5 year old grow up to be a "normal" functioning non violent adult??


And how can you function even with close family?  You would have to strip the house bare of any object that this boy may decide to use on you or other cousins or neighbor children during a "family" holiday.  Who would allow this boy to come over to play with their children?  Or go to his home to "play"!  I suspect this family will have to move away and change their name perhaps to conceal it all.


Can you imagine this boy as an adult and wanting to date?  Oh by the way I stabbed my twin to death at age 5 but I am fine now.


I keep wondering if the parents put violent TV shows or movies on with the boys in the room watching it.  Some parents really think young kids aren't paying attention but that is not true at all.


He got the idea of stabbing his brother in the back from somewhere.  


Sorry I got carried away thinking of all kinds of future is truly mind boggling to me that such a thing as this happened.  How heartbreaking for that poor little twin that his brother's hand in such a gruesome way.  

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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

And what's even more mind-boggling to me is we have people with the attitude that kids will be kids and fight, so let's move on.  There's been such a breakdown in society where many many kids are being brought up in very unstable and neglected environments.  They also seem desensitized to violence in my observations of many kids this age.  Ex: A 6-yr-old child at school where I worked was expelled for couple days for threatening to chop off another kid's head with a knife. Very disturbing.

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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

@tsavorite wrote:

This is just so horrible!  How do you "move on" from this??  What kind of counseling is going to help this 5 year old grow up to be a "normal" functioning non violent adult??


And how can you function even with close family?  You would have to strip the house bare of any object that this boy may decide to use on you or other cousins or neighbor children during a "family" holiday.  Who would allow this boy to come over to play with their children?  Or go to his home to "play"!  I suspect this family will have to move away and change their name perhaps to conceal it all.


Can you imagine this boy as an adult and wanting to date?  Oh by the way I stabbed my twin to death at age 5 but I am fine now.


I keep wondering if the parents put violent TV shows or movies on with the boys in the room watching it.  Some parents really think young kids aren't paying attention but that is not true at all.


He got the idea of stabbing his brother in the back from somewhere.  


Sorry I got carried away thinking of all kinds of future is truly mind boggling to me that such a thing as this happened.  How heartbreaking for that poor little twin that his brother's hand in such a gruesome way.  

I went to elementary school with a boy who killed his police officer father with his father's gun. His father had come home for lunch and all us kids walked home feom school for lunch too.

The school sent around a notification. I remember my mother telling me and my siblings about it. She was friendly with the child's mother.

They didn't move. The boy came back to achool. We were told to be kind, though some kids were still cruel. Some parents too. That boy is in his 60s now and has had a long career in the police department himself. He visited schools talking about gun safety. He did not remember the accident.

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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

@spumoni99 wrote:

That child is going to need some serious help to overcome that guilt as he gets older. I have no opinion on why this happened, its so sad.




He's definitely going to have huge guilt issues after the REALIZATION of what he actually did comes to light.  




Well, this is an aside but this is just another example of why parenting classes should be mandatory.   


Perhaps they can't use children as deductions on their taxes unless they have been through classes?


Yes, of course some people will holler that their "rights" are being taken away by forcing them to become more aware and informed, but ... too dammm bad! 


At this point, we HAVE to blame the parents, don't we?  Clearly, these parents have no idea what they're doing!     



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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

As a side note:


When we hear all of the expl*sions coming from kids' gadgets, what do we think they are viewing?


It used to be, many years ago, that parents wouldn't ever let their kids play with toy guns, etc.


I'd like to know: Whatever happened to that train of thought?

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

@threecees wrote:

With violent video games and horror movies and such these days it

sure is a different world.


Who knows how these children lived before this occured.




THAT is a key point here .... so many games have guns and knives that small children can easily assume those weapons are TOYS.


Don't know anything about the area, but I wonder how this will affect the community.  



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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain wrote:

The child may be unaware of death being a result, but he knew what he did made his brother bleed. He intended to hurt his brother.


Where were the parents? If they were anywhere near, they would have heard screaming.





Just for clarification, who do you assume would have been screaming?  The dying child?   The twin with the knife?   Who?

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Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

@elated wrote:

This article is very disturbing. I can't imagine why a 5 year old boy would take a knife to his twin brother. I could see him hitting or kicking but killing!!! I wouldn't trust this child not to do it again.  Who knows what is in his mind. Because no punishment or consequences are being done, he may think it is ok to do it again. This young boy needs psychiatric help.


Also, where were their parents? I know no further information will be released but it is very interesting and frightening.




Even if no more information is released by the authorities, someome will definitely be writing about this in the future.   

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Registered: ‎05-31-2022

Re: 5 Year old kills His Twin

[ Edited ]

I can't imagine how this 5 year-old child feels after the loss of his brother. I am sure it was probably an impulsive act with zero thought of the consequences and finality of his act. Knowing nothing about this family, I will not cast judgment, and  leave the authorities to explore the situation, but I can only imagine the heartbreak this family is experiencing. This child does need intervention right away because he could have an undiagnosed psychological issue that needs treatment.