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4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

[ Edited ]

4 Navy Captains who all were pilots and China Lake airfield commanders have died very young (less than 40 to 64) from brain or neurological cancer.These have died within last ten years.  DH and I knew 3 of the 4.  There are several A.F. and Navy studies trying to figure what is going on.  Is being a fighter pilot as dangerous (in this sense) as playing pro football?  

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

It’s not only fighter pilots. Commercial pilots have an increased risk of brain lesions and several types of cancer. The flight crew is not immune, either. One study, and I can’t remember who conducted it, estimated female flight attendants had a 50% higher risk of breast cancer. 


Studies have been done for several years on radiation exposure at high altitudes, as well as the effects of jet lag. I had never heard of this until about 5 years ago. 


It’s good to know the Navy is looking into neuro problems in fighter pilots!  

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

The atmosphere blocks a lot of the UV Radition and also X Ray raditation. When you are up at 30,000 feet for length periods ( years to decades) there is probably a risk of increased raditation absorption.

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

They are finding out lots of things, about many issues ,that can harm people. The data on time change is rather dismal too

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

@cherry :  AZ doesn't change time do that is less a problem for me!

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

@patbz  lucky you. I wish we didn't

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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

@cherry wrote:

@patbz  lucky you. I wish we didn't

@cherry So don’t change. It’s just hands on a clock. Don’t change your clocks early Sunday morning.  Live with it for a week.  See what happens.  Be aware that most people will be operating on a one-hour different schedule than you are…like businesses and of course your church activities.  But other than that you can stay on the time that you’re on if you like it better.



Keepin' it real.
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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

My husband has stage 4 Non Hodgekins Lymphoma in his early 40's. He had 3 other friends with the same cancer all early 40's. They all worked in the oil lab on Navy ships. They are convinced it was because of working there. Now the Navy takes many precautions but in the early 90's they didn't know what they do now. Good news all are cancer free and have lived 20 years plus diagnosis.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

There are a stunning number of other such cancer clusters affecting military pilots. One additional proposition as to a causal factor is radar affecting pilots in the cockpit. When I read this article I discovered these widespread clusters.

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Posts: 21,733
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 4 Navy fighter pilots die unusually young from cancer

@Nancy Drew wrote:

My husband has stage 4 Non Hodgekins Lymphoma in his early 40's. He had 3 other friends with the same cancer all early 40's. They all worked in the oil lab on Navy ships. They are convinced it was because of working there. Now the Navy takes many precautions but in the early 90's they didn't know what they do now. Good news all are cancer free and have lived 20 years plus diagnosis.

@Nancy Drew, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's illness. I wish you both the best of luck.

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