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"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall." I can still hear President Reagan speak those words as if they were spoken yesterday.

<font style="color: #009030;" color="#009030"></font><font color="#009030">/watch?v=GCO9BYCGNeY</font>

Here is the story of that infamous day.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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On 11/9/2014 AnikaBrodie said:

"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall." I can still hear President Reagan speak those words as if they were spoken yesterday.

<font style="color: #009030;" color="#009030"></font><font color="#009030">/watch?v=GCO9BYCGNeY</font>

Here is the story of that infamous day. if it was yesterday, right Anika? You know the advisers didn't want him to say it.

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We weren't allowed to watch tv unsupervised and there was a big chunk of history that I didn't learn about when I was a youngster; don't know how I would have processed any of it. But, I did resent being sheltered as I got older realizing just how much I was not told.

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On 11/9/2014 scotttie said:
On 11/9/2014 AnikaBrodie said:

"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall." I can still hear President Reagan speak those words as if they were spoken yesterday.

<font style="color: #009030;" color="#009030"></font><font color="#009030">/watch?v=GCO9BYCGNeY</font>

Here is the story of that infamous day. if it was yesterday, right Anika? You know the advisers didn't want him to say it.

I just watched a program about his speech writers and that day. No, they didn't want him to say that.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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This was MAJOR news! I cannot believe its been 25 years, I thought its been about 10 years, WOW!

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Children should be allowed to be children without adult worries. I knew of "events" when I was a child of course but honestly went in one ear and out the other as it should be when we are kids. Children shouldn't have to worry about sicknesses, wars etc. Enough time for that later.

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I remember being aware of a lot of current events growing up. Our family always had the evening news on while we ate dinner. Then the adults would discuss it. My parents always got the newspaper. In Phoenix, there was the morning paper, the Arizona Republic, and the late afternoon paper, the Phoenix Gazette. We got the Gazette. My dad would read the paper after dinner and then talk about what he was reading with my mom. We kids were always around. So we were pretty well.informed growing up.
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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On 11/9/2014 Marienkaefer2 said: I remember being aware of a lot of current events growing up. Our family always had the evening news on while we ate dinner. Then the adults would discuss it. My parents always got the newspaper. In Phoenix, there was the morning paper, the Arizona Republic, and the late afternoon paper, the Phoenix Gazette. We got the Gazette. My dad would read the paper after dinner and then talk about what he was reading with my mom. We kids were always around. So we were pretty well.informed growing up.

So glad you posted this, I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to sound like my family were intellectual snobs. We always listened to the local and national news together, on the radio at my grandparent's house in the early days and on the tv as I got a bit older. I cannot imagine not being able to see the newsreels of the Presidential elections, sadly the assassinations, the Vietnam War, and so many other newsworthy events. I remember the Beatles coming off their plane and later John Lennon's tragic early death, the Manson killings, the killings of the nurses in Illinois, the John Wayne Gacy murders, and of course all the celebratory events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, moon walk and other space flights, tragically the Challenger explosion. Too many memories to recall right now but they are stored in my memory bank and I am grateful for that knowledge.

Some of these events were watched with my parents and grandparents, some with my children. All were learning experiences, some of the horror we never want to see again and some of the joy we hope to experience over and over.

Our home was also always filled with the daily newspapers and national weekly news magazines.

I grew to be a very informed and inquisitive person as did all of my children.

Sadly, some young people today could not even name the leaders of this country.

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On 11/9/2014 Junebug54 said:

Children should be allowed to be children without adult worries. I knew of "events" when I was a child of course but honestly went in one ear and out the other as it should be when we are kids. Children shouldn't have to worry about sicknesses, wars etc. Enough time for that later.

I agree.

Abductions, beheadings, serial killings, death with dignity also known as suicide, terrorism, wars, hijackings... kids see it all on the internet without turning on the TV. What a horrific world we live in.

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When I was 9 I didn't have any idea of what was going on in the outside world. My world was playing with my cousins, running around outside barefoot, listening to the grasshoppers in the field, catching lightening bugs. Teasing my brother, riding my bike, figuring out how to get out of eating my dinner (I hated grown up food), climbing trees and having dad get me back down.

Ahh sweet innocent times.