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Speaking of Goodreads....

[ Edited ]

I've set up an account several times and cannot figure out how it works and what to do next.  I'm no dummy but this thing has me stumped.   


Friends don't use it.   I don't want to take quizzes or take up creative writing or enter giveaways or or or .....People seem to love it but I don't get it.    



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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

What do you want to use it for?  I use my account to read descriptions of books.  I have a kindle so I use that or Amazon to read descriptions and reviews.  I also have a bookshelf of books I want to read and I sometimes participate in the yearly reading challenge.  It is also nice for keeping track of books you have already read.  I do not do any of that other stuff.

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I use to keep track of books I want to read,  that's all really.

you can scan the cover of a book or just search for it.


I have won 2 giveways, so you never know.


you don't have to do the other stuff, I unlinked all my friends and the other stuff, although the quizzes are fun 

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I guess I really don't want to do anything with it.   I can see what I've read on my Kindle and add things I want to read to it.   


I'm not sure what I was expecting on Goodreads that has people loving it but It seems that I don't need it and wouldn't use it.   I guess it's repetitive to what I have.  


I see what books are about on amazon and read reviews there.


Thanks for helping me work this out.   Bye bye Goodreads.  Smiley Wink

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

[ Edited ]

I don't know what I would do w/out Goodreads.  I was on Shelfari and then they combined with Goodreads 3 years ago and I wish I knew about it before then.  I keep track of my books on there and found many friends on there.  I have won 64 books so far from Giveaways. 


I have my different "shelves" of books in categories so I know where I won them or if I didn't finish them or didn't read them, etc.  I have many categories to keep all my books straight. 


I do reviews on every book I read but don't do the challenges.  I like to read at my leisure and not be "pressured" to read so many books in a year.

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I use Goodreads to keep track of the books I've read, when I read them, and what I rated them.  I don't keep books on my kindle.  I use the library almost exclusively so once I'm finished with a book it gets removed from my kindle. 


I find Goodreads very useful.  Sometimes a poster will ask, what are the best books you read this year (or something like that).  I'll go back to Goodreads and see what I read all year and which were my highest rated books.  


I don't really care about the reading challenge or any of the other features they have. 

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I use it to read reviews and save the books I want to read. 

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I keep track of books that I have read, reviews, descriptions, order of books to read if I am in a series etc.


I find it a very useful tool. To each his own though. 

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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....

I don’t do any of those quizzes or friends stuff. I get emails for giveaways, but do you need to leave a review if you win? I also don’t write reviews. I try to note when I’ve “read” a book, but am not consistent.

I use similar to Amazon, where I look at reviews. Oftentimes more reviews there, particularly before the book is released. I also follow (if that’s the word) certain authors and get emails when a new book has come out by them. That’s the best benefit for me. Those are also the giveaway offers I receive.
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Re: Speaking of Goodreads....



I use it to see what family and friends are reading.  I'm also now friends with @SWEET so I can see what she's reading.  One friend I've been pals with since we're nine.  I get emails when they finish books.


I follow certain authors I love and I get emails with links to blog posts when they make them, which is usually when they have a book coming out but not always.  This is how I got the link to Frederik Backman's post about his crippling anxiety and depression.  I love reading things from favorite authors and it's not often, less than one a week usually.


Also you can ask and answer questions people have.  An author whose first book I loved has a new one coming out, they're giving away freebs (babyjane got one) and I've asked a question about the book.  It hasn't been answered yet but it will be I'm sure.


And I've answered questions for people.


If you change your mind we can follow one another.  I love to see what others are reading.  


And there are those giveaways.  I've probably entered fifty and only won one book but it was a great book!


@SWEET  out of my recent (month-long?) stretch of entering to win books I haven't won a single one.  There's only two left I think LOL.  And now they're sending me emails on some saying 'you didn't win it but here's how to buy it."  Thanks a lot LOL.  Except I actually did buy one!