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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

[ Edited ]

My whole county is under orders to shelter in place. Luckily, I do have a kindle so I can read that way.  All my ebooks from the library are on hold.  My book clubs are cancelled also.  We received an email, and a phone call from the city as well as the county about everything being shut down including libraries, but not one specifically from the library.

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

My public library closed today, also.  As of now patrons can check out items on line and pick them up at the front entrance during a two hour period each afternoon.  We can still use the book drop.  I hope it can continue the way they are planning.  

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

@sandy53, I wish my library offered that option! I emailed them yesterday about possible pick/drop options but have not heard back from them. Glad that you still have access (even limited) to your library!📖
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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

My entire Library System closed down today until April 30th. I had some book request in, but nothing checked out. since I was supposed to be leaving for vacation shortly. (Trip has been cancelled)


Luckily, I have a Kindle, so I still have access to books. 

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

Mine closed on the 16th until the 30th.

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

My local library closed about a week ago with a two hour notice.  They have asked us not to return the books so a neighbor and I are sharing our library books.  

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

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Today is the last day for walk-ins at our libraries. Beginning tomorrow, only pre-ordered books will be available to pick up at the front door of each library. I'm on my way to pick up the books they have emailed me which are currently on HOLD. This is the first time I've driven anywhere since Saturday when I went to the library. Scary times. 


Received an email from a friend of over 55 years that she has been very,very sick for several weeks. Spent two weeks in the hospital and is currently in a rehab center. Tests have not confirmed (or denied) the virus yet, but it's been the worst thing she's ever encountered. 


Her husband, children, grandchildren and great-grands decided to visit the lawn by her window today in an attempt to cheer her up. It's been very hard on her family, who have not been able to visit at all. She's hopeful to be able to return home for further recouperation by Sunday.

This stuff is wicked. Be very careful and be cautious. Now suggesting 9 feet distance from others.


Edited: We've having nasty weather and I'm not leaving the house! I'll pick up my HOLD books another time. 

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

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Chicago Public Libraries are closed.  The library had previously announced that the main  downtown and some neighborhood branches would be open ( no materials could be checked out), but after the governor announced the statewide Stay Home order Friday afternoon, the mayor followed with announcement of the closure of all libraries, public parks and beaches in the city. 


I like visiting the library, but do read mostly on my Nook or Fire tablet.  As far as I know electronic check out services of ebooks is still available.  

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Re: Some public libraries closing until further notice

Our local libraries are closed as well.


They ask that no books be returned, and all fines are cancelled.  They did even have some trouble with their online services for a bit, but that seems to have been resolved.


I think our library system has a somewhat complicated online program.


Do any of your libraries use one that's simple and straightforward?

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.