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Recommendations for a Francine Rivers Fan ???

If you enjoy Francine Rivers' books, what other books or authors would you recommend for someone who's just finished Francine's latest and is hungering for something similar to read until the next one is released?


She owns all of FR's books but hasn't explored other Christian fiction.  (I suggested she just start re-reading from Rivers' first book, but the idea didn't appeal to her.)


I'm sure  there are other fans reading here who will have some better suggestions.







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Re: Recommendations for a Francine Rivers Fan ???


Liz Curtis Higgs

Lynn Austin

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Re: Recommendations for a Francine Rivers Fan ???

I adore Francine Rivers and Lynn Austin.

Have you read the Mitford Series, by Jan Karon or The Baxter series, by Karen Kingsbury starting with Redemption?

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Registered: ‎07-17-2011

Re: Recommendations for a Francine Rivers Fan ???

@beckyb1012    @butterfly123 


Thanks so much for your responses.  I love the Mitford series myself but I'm not sure it's quite what she's looking for.  She said she "always learns something" from a Francine Rivers book.  (I'm not sure if she meant spiritually or historically -- I need to clairfy.)  I'll pass aloong the authors you mentioned and she can check them out.  I worked at our library's Book Sale yesterday and one of the ladies there suggested Karen Kingsbury also.