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I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I LOVE to read. I would rather read than eat, sleep, or smoke cigarettes. But I just don't like ebooks. I prefer a real book in my hands. Anyone else not inrto digital books?

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I love e-books for everything but books that are beautiful or have lots of photos.


I read a book last week and it was awkward to me to hold. I read mostly from my IPad mini.  I am glad not to have to haul books around.

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I love to read also.  I have quite a collection of books to read and love having books in my home.  I have old books which are in one area and were bought at school book sales for fifty cents.  I also have old books from my childhood and left behind when my family bought our summer home.  I treasure each and every one of them.  I am not into e-books at all, that is my choice.  I always enjoy holding a book in my hands.  Going to a book store is like some going to a candy store.  


Reading books relaxes, entertains  and brings me to places I let my imagination guide me to!


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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I prefer a "real" book too.


But, I do read e-books for a few reasons.


  1. they are less expensive
  2. i can get a book in seconds 
  3. don't have to worry about returning a book to the library
  4. I don't get stuck with a paper book that I am done reading ( I have problems letting books go)
  5. I don't lose my place in the book if I drop it and book mark falls out

I am a fast reader.  I can easily finish a pretty good size novel in a day, especially in the summertime while on our boat or while in our RV.  I don't want to take a large amount of books with me. 

There are many reasons while an e-book is more convenient, but my first choice will always be a good old fashioned book.

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I love my iPad for books. I can adjust the type size, background lighting, and read in the dark in a special mode.  Easier to hold than a heavy book.  Many times I have read about a book that interests me, downloaded it and start reading immediately. I have pre ordered books and can read the minute it's released.  I have about 40 books currently on my iPad.  I do have beautiful art and coffee table books and hard copies of some favorites but for general reading it's the iPad hands down.

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

@deerfeeder, it took me a very long time to embrace ebooks. I am going to admit that I'm a nerd in one of the worst possible ways; nothing excites me like walking into the library. Yep, I'm one of those types! I love books and always have. But I went for a time when I could not get to the library and I don't have the space or money to buy books, so I went the route of checking out ebooks for awhile. And when I could get back to the library, I did because I missed the physical books in my hand. But now we have no choice yet again so I'm getting the ebooks out of the library once more. I have to admit, I have found some definite advantages. One being that I can read late at night without having to turn the bedroom light on, I don't lose my space and I can get one book at a time and when I finish, go right to get the next book without skipping a beat. I'm a night owl so if I finish a book at 2 am, I can get another book right then and there. And I don't have the clutter of a bunch of books sitting around. I feel your pain because I do understand and it took me awhile, but I am thankful to have the option to still read. I read a lot, so I would be lost without my Kindle.

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

I'm a lifelong reader and book lover, but once I got my kindle I never looked back.  I can have a new book in seconds, I can read a sample for freeif I so desire, I can read in bed without having the light on, I can adjust the light and font size and check a vocabulary word as I read. I bought a cover for my kindle so it feels like a book, but much lighter.  I just a fan.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

@Sooner wrote:

I love e-books for everything but books that are beautiful or have lots of photos.


I read a book last week and it was awkward to me to hold. I read mostly from my IPad mini.  I am glad not to have to haul books around.



I prefer reading on my iPad too and it’s so easy to download books from the library. 

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

@deerfeeder   Same here. I own a kindle, but I rarely read books from there.  I prefer a real book in my hands, too.

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Re: I have tried. I just don't like ebooks.:(

after getting into ebooks, i'll never go back to real books. it's just so convenient and handy for me.