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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

I've been to two libraries three times this week. Today I checked out ten books by one author (I'm on a quest to read everything she wrote). I also check out audiobooks on a regular basis.


The noise level varies from totally quiet to a bit excited (when it's preschool story time).

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

I am in my library every week or two.

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

A beloved aunt took me to the library when I was 4 and got me a card. DH and I go a lot and enjoy it. We rent (they are free) movies and tv shows,books and take advantage of the free magazines. We also add to the free magazine box.

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

[ Edited ]

It would depend upon your definition of what going to the library means. (smile) If you mean actually going into the library, looking for books, reading at the tables, utilizing the computers that are set up for patrons then the answer is absolutely not.


However, I utilize Library services all of the time. I request my books that I want to read and renew books online constantly.  I only go into the library to check out my books that are on hold every Saturday. Even when it comes to returning the books I drop them off in the book depository out front. 


As a voracious reader I love the library, and can't imagine my world without them.


I forgot to add that I have a Kindle but I actually do not use it that often. I am sort of old school and prefer an actual book. 

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Yes, in fact, I was there today. I read a lot of books so I don't buy anymore. I don't want to keep them either. Been there done that. My library is pretty active and most of the people have pretty good manners. Only thing I don't like is that some people who borrow books are pretty disgusting. I wipe down the outside with a wet one, but some of the pages are revolting.



I never thought of that. I read a lot books from the library and I have looked at some of them and wondered. I am going to start wiping down the outside of my books. 

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

@hgsuddle wrote:

I work for a large county system.  I work at a busy branch, with another branch 5 minutes away in a more upscale neighborhood.  That branch is the busiest in the system with the worst parking. It is not close to public transportation so driving there is a must.  The days of quiet in the library are gone.  People are self-absorbed narcissists who have no manners and don't teach their children any manners either.  The children ask for help or something else with no "please" and/or "thank you". The children have meltdowns and are loud and screaming.  Some parents don't take their children to the restroom early enough and just tell us their child had an accident on the carpet.  Ummm... 


 People check out enough DVDs to start their own video store.  I can't imagine watching that much TV with some due back in 4 days and some in 7 days.  If they are popular and have "holds" on them, they cannot be renewed.


I especially hate the fact that we have paper tax forms as a service to those who still file by snail mail.  The IRS gives us limited forms and booklets.  People get very offended when will only print them one copy and tell them if they want more they have to copy it themselves on the copier for 15 cents a page.  Everyone wants something for nothing and expects it from the library. 


We also fax paperwork for people on welfare to collect their benefits.  Don't even get me started on that.  I understand the neccessity of benefits for some, but for others.....makes my blood boil. 


I love the library and think it has great resources.  However, DVDs are more popular than books.  I find that sad. 


If it weren't for the people I work with and some friendly patrons, I probably would find another job.  It certainly has been eye-opening and not in a good way.



I was standing in line behind a woman once, and I could not believe how may DVD's she was checking out. I did not even know that you could check out as many as she had. I could not help myself and ask her how did she have time to watch all of those movies,  she replied that she did not have cable. 

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

I've always loved going to the library.

Where my kids grew up we had a wonderful library and we would go at least once a week.

My daughter and I loved it so much, we would play library when we got home!Woman LOL-

So much fun! Now I "play library"  with my grandson.

 I still go at least once a month.I usually read a book a week.

Ours has a great selection of used books for 25 cents and someone likes the same light mysteries I do. 

Then when I'm done, I donate them back.

My daughter goes to the library for storytime with the kids.



to play library, you need books of course

a small table and chairs,

some paper or something as the pretend card to put in the back of the book.

A pretend stamp

and a MUST have-

a jangly bracelet that must jangle against the table lol!

Oh and you must show your polished nails as you are stamping the books!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

Another vote here for the library! We always went when I was growing up so I think that was where I learned my love of books. Plus it's so great to be able to request books on line and then pick them up when they are available. They also offer nice story times for kids so I'm trying to get my grandkids into that. Reading is such a life long pleasure and I feel so thankful someone got me started on it. 

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

I love going to the library. I have gone for years, we have gone from not having many customers, to now the parking lot seems full about all the time, many folks are on computers.

I love being able to check books out.

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Re: Does Anyone Go to the LIbrary Anymore?

[ Edited ]

I work in an academic library and I use the public library all the time.  I read reviews of books and place holds on them all the time.  For the public library, about 90% of the time is just leisure reading.  I've used both libraries to do some research on a Union soldier as a favor for my bother in law.  Libraries haven't changed that much.  You still have homeless there during the day. At my university library, whole homeless families stay over night sometimes.  That happened when I was a kid.  Nothing changes about that.  A library is a safe place to be.  They serve free lunches to children from poor families everyday at noon..  Libraries are in addition to learning, a refuge for some.