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Dan Hughes Second Book is out!

Dan Hughes just released another book, "Christmas in the Heartland".  I just ordered it on Amazon and cannot wait to read it.  He shares stories of Christmas in the midwest and other information on the holiday.


We just loved his second book, "Stealing the Sky".  Dan is such a storyteller and it was evident when he was a host to see it.  It is a true story of the Soviet-US race to the moon.  The story was very interesting on how we won the race and what we did to do so.  His books are available on Amazon. 

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Re: Dan Hughes Second Book is out!

Happy for Dan!


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Dan Hughes Second Book is out!

Good for him. I thought he did a good job. Bad choice letting him go.

I hope all is well with him. I'm sure he's happier doing what he's doing now.

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Posts: 19,618
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dan Hughes Second Book is out!

[ Edited ]

Bet you'll enjoy his latest. Good luck to DH.