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A book I will probably reread many times

This is a wonderful book and once I started it, I just couldn't put it down.  


Triumph on Baker Road: How the Walsh Family Defeated Polio

$16.95 (paperback)

The year was1955, the month was September. Keron and Anne Walsh and their 14 children were on their family farm in northern Illinois, preparing for the opening of the new school year, when 5-year-old Rose complained about a headache. Their doctor identified the culprit: polio, one of the most dreaded and crippling diseases of the era. Thus began a two-year siege that the Walsh family confronted with courage, prayers and strong faith. In less than a month after the first diagnosis, 10 more of the Walsh children came down with polio, five with cases so serious they had to be hospitalized. Two never recovered. The family’s plight brought sympathy and support from hundreds of relatives, neighbors and friends, and from thousands more across the nation and around the world. This is the story of a family’s suffering and perseverance that led finally to a Triumph on Baker Road.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: A book I will probably reread many times

I will definitely read this book.  DH & I live in S. WI.  My twin sister had bulbar (sp) polio in 1952 at 4 years old.  I remember the horror but she fully recovered.  Our neighbors across the street weren't as lucky as their 7 month old baby boy was crippled for life.  

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Registered: ‎06-15-2016

Re: A book I will probably reread many times

Having been born in 1955 this made me pause. My father refused to let me get the Polio vaccine when it was first available for fear a live virus might slip through. Sure enough, he was right! I did receive the oral vaccine a while later! How many have their smallpox scar? I remember my mother asking the doctor to give me the shot where it wouldn't show. Well, my arm wears his answer!lol

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A book I will probably reread many times

I have a round scar on my upper arm but I truly have no idea what vaccinations I received.  Probably those that were required to get into school in the 60's.  No recollection of anything polio related so that must have been eradicated by the time I went to school.


I'm going to get the book to learn more about the disease.