
TQIF -- Soda Stream + ""Spicy Water""

by on ‎06-27-2013 03:07 PM

My pleasure in drinking water with bubbles started during an anniversary trip to Italy with my husband in 2006.   It was fun to have fizzy water; it seemed a little more special and refreshing. 

Then I got pregnant and sparkling water became an obsession.  We would buy it by the case at the warehouse stores each week.  It seemed that it was all I drank and I had to have it all the time.   

            Even after that nine months of thirst (and the 18 months of nursing after that made me even more thirsty,) I craved sparkling water. But it got expensive.  I saw a Soda Stream at my cousin’s house three years ago and knew I had to have one!  But, then, again, they were expensive too!  I still managed to get one and it changed my world.  No more huge cases of fizzy water every week from Cost-co, now I could make my own.  I never actually used it to make soda, thought it came with all these cartridges to do just that.  We always just made the water with bubble, or as my kids call it “spicy water.”  I’m not quite sure where the “spicy” came from since it is just plain water but, they love it.  Every time they hear the buzz of the soda stream they come running asking for “spicy water mama!” 

            I really believe using a Soda Stream is better for my family since it encourages us to drink water instead of beer and cola.   You always ask what my diet is and what I eat and a big part of it is lots of water and I rarely drink much else on a daily basis (okay except coffee and wine from time to time J.)  This water is so refreshing with a little lime or lemon over ice.  Even in the winter I drink it with ice, it’s always better.  Plus, were not spending tons of money on cases of water every week and putting all those bottles in the trash (even though we did recycle them of course.)  In the three years I have had mine we only replaced the cartridge 3 times, twice in San Diego where I found on the Internet they had a pick up and a delivery service and then once here in Pennsylvania at a nearby big office supply chain store that now exchanges them. It was very easy and not nearly as expensive as all the cases of Pellegrino.

            And then my mom came to town.   Ha!  Sounds like the start of a sit com right?  My mom had seem my Soda Stream and she kept asking if QVC sold them and back then, we did not, so of course, I had to give her mine. 

I knew I would eventually get a new one and could do it easier than she could, so we parted with ours, sacrificing it to the woman who sacrificed for me my whole life.   Then, go figure, QVC starts selling them!!! Hallelujah!  The sounds of “Spicy water” once again fill the halls of the Lindquist household.

Hope you can pick up yours; it’s a very healthy decision you can make for your family.  For me it was a simple love affair born in Europe that has withstood the test of time.

How do you use yours???

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