
Northern Nights: Welcome to December

by ‎12-08-2016 02:13 PM - edited ‎12-08-2016 02:34 PM

Hello my Northern Nighters.....welcome to December.  I feel like this year went by in a blur.  Davies update!   My gang is all healthy and terrific. We celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday the day after, that story is in my next was a memory maker.  I truly enjoy spending time with you on air and I love reading all of your facebook posts.  Keep them coming, you inspire me.  Speaking of inspiring, I had the lovely opportunity to knock on two of our fav hosts doors as the sheet police. Alberti was my first for the day. His home is lovely as you can imagine and his hospitality is just as warm and friendly as he is.  His taste is impeccable.  I brought to him a set of our Northern Nights Wrinkle Defense sheets in ivory. He worked magic right away by combining white with ivory for a very luxe look. No surprise right? His two very well behaved dogs were just delicious.  I was hoping to take one home as a parting gift..... I miss my Kirby. I asked Alberti "How do you get your northern nights on?" His response was, "every night, after everything is cleaned up downstairs, I get into bed with the puppies and we watch some of our favorite shows on DVR. Prince Charming snuggles by my arm and Coco sleeps on her own pillow." Thank you Alberti for spending time with me - you made ME feel like a diva.Smiley Happy





Next on my stop was Gabrielle's beautiful home.  Fortunately for me, I got to meet her two adorable children and her lovely Mom. Gabrielle and I had talked earlier and she wanted to do a easy, inexpensive makeover for the guest bedroom. Company would be arriving for the holidays, so we put our creative minds together. We used her existing comforter and added the beautiful gray WD sheets of course NN. She had some books, a picture frame and two throw pillows in another room we were able to use. The room went from drab to glam in a nano second. New sheets in a different color, combined with some items you already have in your home can make a statement - as you can see. Gabrielle's home is stunning. She definitely brings her fashion sense into styling her home. When you walk in, you feel welcomed immediately. True to her personality. I asked her, " how do you get your Northern Nights on"? She said, " snuggling in her master bed with her two children and her husband for movie night with popcorn is just the best." I would say, my friend, your children are going to remember those moments forever. Thank you, Gabrielle, for opening up your home to the sheet police - such a fun afternoon.





I hope you enjoyed another segment of the sheet police.  See you soon at the Q!

