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i want to try out the wen and get the tsv but don't know which one to try was thinking of getting both sets and try each one of them. does anyone know what each one of the seasonal ones for each hair type.

i have short thin fine limp color treated hair which is getting very thin and falling out due to medical problems and extreme loads of stress and hormones. what type of scent do you all think would be right for my hair.

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The seasonals are all universals, so should work for everyone. The tea tree may be really good for you, but you may want to mix it with another one due to the scent. I can use TT by itself, but it has a more medicinal smell. I usually mix it with the other scents. My personal favorites of the seasonals are the fall ginger pumpkin and summer honey peach. You may prefer others. Welcome to Wen and I hope it works for you.
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Welcome! Cosmic gave you good advice. Before Wen I had hair as you described. In the beginning I wasn't a mixer but after learning from the forum, I use 4-5 different formulas for each cleanse. I always incorporate either tea tree of BGT in my first cleanse and always use sweet almond in my second. You could get both if you'd like, you do have until the end of January to return. Good luck!
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Registered: ‎09-06-2010

thank you for your reply. What do you all think of the sixteen formula.

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Registered: ‎09-06-2010

sorry i mean the six thirteen gift set that was on his show today. what do all think of that line

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I really like the 613. I use it once a week mixed with the Wen Men. I do not use it as a leave in because I don't like how it feels as a leave in. It has a lot more peptides and treatment based ingredients. I love the scent. It's a staple.
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Hi sk!

I love 613 and use it at least once a week. It's considered a protein treatment and, for some, can turn the hair to straw.

The seasonals are universal, but they aren't around all the time. You may be better off getting the core formulas that are always available.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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I'm very sorry to see that you are struggling so. I would use any of the seasonals. You know, I feel you can use any Wen cleansing conditioner. You can go to, I don't know how to import a link, sorry, but there's a little window on there that says product recommender and you put in your information and it tells you which formulation it recommends. I would try the new Winter scent. I hear it's really creamy and people are saying their hair feels so clean and hydrated. It's not important, what is important is your health. Take care of yourself best you can and don't let ANYTHING stress you. I know it's difficult I just had a doozie of a medical problem but with support I got through the hardest part. God has you in His mighty hands. I know there are people out there that say Wen did them bodily harm but like I said unless you have specific allergies and must check with a doctor first, Wen won't hurt you in any way. I think there are many competitors and what better to say their hair was damaged or that they went bald and how many people will they scare into not buying.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

I have fine, limp hair that's thinning with age. I get great results from any of the cleansing conditioners. You will not believe the body you'll get. I'd recommend the seasonals because they're extra special and have extra special ingredients. Plus, you'll love the fragrances.

Just remember that there's a learning curve to Wen - you don't use it like shampoo and conditioners. Look at the videos recommended by another commenter and don't forget to splash water onto your hair while you're massaging the Wen in and remember to rinse thoroughly.

Best wishes.

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puddytat2 have you ever try the six thirteen formula if soo what do you think i was going to try the gift set but now sure thank you for your reply