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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

On 12/25/2014 WhateverLolaWants said:
On 12/25/2014 jackthebear said:
On 12/25/2014 pommom said:

Registered for a class; attending a Mah Jongg beginner's tournament and volunteering at the senior center.

Let me know how that goes, I have only done one tournament, how often do you play?

I play at least once/week.

Another MJ player here! I've been playing for-EVER! Where is your tournament being held? Saw one on "60 Minutes" (?) in Las Vegas last year.

I saw that video too so much fun

recently finding Mahjong blogs on the web popping up as well

come on who else plays?

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

Take down the decorations day after new years and get back to normal, thank goodness.

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

I guess I am ahead of the game, I have already started taking down Christmas décor. I am getting new flooring installed in my kitchen this morning, and have another family gathering (not at my home) tonight, have a cake in the oven now, and making salad shortly (as my contribution to the gathering). By end of tomorrow, all Christmas décor will be packed away, btw, I put my Christmas décor up the week of Thanksgiving, so have enjoyed it for a month, now ready to get my house back in order. Then my plan is to reorganize my entire house, room by room, purging, donating, and re-arranging as I go. Then, it is on to Spring, with my house clean, neat and tidied up. Can't wait till I can get back outdoors.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

Today is D-Day for me! DIET! I faced the scales and I haven't faced them for a long time. Yikes! At least it was about 12 less than I thought. I guess that is good.

Christmas IS over for US no matter what others say. We both work today! Back to the ole grind after 1 1/2 days off.

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

I would have taken my tree down last night but I have a fresh tree and I don't think I can throw it out for pickup until 1/5 (they may start picking up on 12/29, I have to check).

I leave all of my "winter" decor up, I just put the Santas away ;o)

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

The holidays aren't over at our house at all. We are having a NY day dinner party - then my birthday is Jan 5th and we are having ice cream and cake for the neighbors and our anni. is valentines day so , though yet unplanned, we will do something special then. In between we are getting new floors in a rear hallway and I'm looking forward to that and we are having company for a few days the beginning of Feb and my girlfriends are coming for 4 days in March for a girls weekend - we are kicking out DH and sending him to stay at a friends. In between that we have our volunteer jobs and I have sewing club every wed. plus as much time as we can get in at the YMCA. so we stay quite busy.

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

On 12/26/2014 VaBelle35 said:

I would have taken my tree down last night but I have a fresh tree and I don't think I can throw it out for pickup until 1/5 (they may start picking up on 12/29, I have to check).

I leave all of my "winter" decor up, I just put the Santas away ;o)

I usually take mine down this week but we are having company for NY day dinner so I thought I'd leave it up. However, they are coming the 7th to install my new floors so it has to be gone as it is sitting right where the new floor is going.

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

On 12/25/2014 stevieb said:
On 12/25/2014 jaxs mom said:

Christmas just started, it's not anywhere near being over. Advent is over. My husband isn't going back to work until after the new year. I plan on baking Christmas cookies and enjoying time together as a family.

I agree. That's why they call it the Christmas season. Some of the most enjoyable days can be after the big day when the pressure is off. That's the time I like to enjoy my home and decorations and relax a bit. For me, Epiphany ends the season, not Christmas Day.

I'm in agreement with all who have said that this is still the holiday season, and will be until January 2, and even a little while longer, as I recuperate before de-decorating.

It seems that it's the trend nowadays to start everything way earlier than years ago....right after Thanksgiving, sometimes even before. Then, I've read posts in recent years by posters who say they like to take down the tree the day after Christmas. This always surprises me.

Am I mistaken, or was it more the custom to actually wait until after Thanksgiving to do gift shopping, putting up the decorations was more a couple of weeks before Christmas, the tree was put up right before Christmas, even Christmas Eve (I think ours was always put up the day before Christmas Eve day)?

Then the holiday would really be the entire week in between Christmas and New Years.

I know the OP did qualify her post, and it was really about New Years resolutions, and not the timeframe of the holiday, but it got me to thinking.

Things have changed over my lifespan, but I think I like the old ways better. I don't want to think about Christmas in July, and I like Thanksgiving and fall to have their own importance. After Dec 1st is more than early enough for me to do anything Christmas related.

I think it's changed due to the media push to shop long and hard and spend more money, and we all buy into it.

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

I don't do anything for New Year's so taking the tree down today. I have a Dr apt January 8 & other than that getting ready for the winter snow. Looking forward to the gardening programs, which is about all I watch on Q anymore (never order though).

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Re: so....what are your plans now that the Holidays are over?.....

Since I'm on a roll to downsize so I can move, shopping is the last thing on my mind. I've never been so excited over getting rid of things. I always thought women older than me who talked about unloading all their stuff were crazy. Now I'm crazy. LOL And, it feels so good!!