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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

They may be using cheaper ingredients. I have not purchased Philosophy in a while. I do like some of their fragrances/lotions but not purchasing for over a year or so, I really can't make a comment. What I don't like is why do they use sulfates which dry your skin in their body wash? They really need to change that.

kindness is strength
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎09-15-2010

I love Philosophy skin care. As far as the fragrances, the only ones that I like are Love Sweet Love and Loveswept. Unfortunately QVC and Philosophy have not expanded these lines into more products. It's frustrating.

When I first saw Fresh Cream I thought that I might want to buy it but at the time I had several bottles of Palmer's Cocoa butter lotion that I needed to use up first. I really like that stuff. WOW! I'm so glad I stuck with the Palmer's. When I went into Ulta and had the opportunity to smell Fresh Cream for the first time, I realized that Palmer's smells almost exactly like Fresh Cream. Saved a ton of money. Smiley Happy


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Posts: 140
Registered: ‎03-26-2011

I worked with a gal who wore a scent that many of us found offensive. I finally found a way to ask her what it was and sure enough one in the Philosophy family. I don't think she overdid it on application - it just was not a pleasant fragrance. Several complained to the boss and a new rule was implemented - no perfumes in the office place.

A few weeks later, I had lunch with my cousin and couldn't believe it - another scent. She mentioned on her own about buying Philosophy with a coupon she had received.

I'm not opposed to perfumes and body lotions as I use them too - but cannot understand the popularity of the Philosophy brand. IMHO, it stinks.