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Does anyone used both or either and which do you think works better? HSN has the no no on special today and debating about getting it.
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I haven't used both but I do have the NoNo and I wish I had realized the name of the product answers the the following key questions: Does it really work? Should I waste that kind of money on this item?

That is one of those items I wish I had never bought. It was an expensive lesson.

Snarky responders need not reply. Move along and share your views elsewhere.
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I purchased the no no when it was the special value a year ago,or so. It was terrible, didn't work, and felt cheap. Fortunately I was able to return it.
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On 3/14/2015 Havarti said:

I haven't used both but I do have the NoNo and I wish I had realized the name of the product answers the the following key questions: Does it really work? Should I waste that kind of money on this item?

That is one of those items I wish I had never bought. It was an expensive lesson.

That pretty well hits the nail on the head. It was very time consuming to use but hoping it would end shaving forever I kept on using it and hoping for results. But when I started getting ingrown hairs and seeing no results, I boxed it up and sent it back. Haven't tried the Tria.

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 3/14/2015 Havarti said:

I haven't used both but I do have the NoNo and I wish I had realized the name of the product answers the the following key questions: Does it really work? Should I waste that kind of money on this item?

That is one of those items I wish I had never bought. It was an expensive lesson.

I bought one myself and waste of money is right. It seemed to work at first but I only used it on a small section of my face. I didn't want to do more and have it not work so I was correct doing it only on a small area. The hair stayed away for awhile but now it's back and back and back.

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I love the NoNo and got great results but life got hectic and after about 5 months I quit using it - BUT now I have very little hair on my legs and it's only in a few places and I only have to shave once ever 3 or 4 weeks. I am starting to use it again. A friend used hers at least 3 times a week for a year and now she never grows hair on her legs. The key is consistency. As for the tria, I don't have it but it doesn't work on all skin and hair types.

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I've posted this before but for the money and with the use of Groupon, professional laser hair removal is an inexpensive and more effective alternative. Home devices take a a lot of time, per session, to use and need to be used more often to finally get a "permanent" reduction in hair.

Groupon deals are outstanding. The sessions are fast and pain free and done by someone who knows what they are doing. Lots of providers to choose from in most areas. Even if you are not in a metro area, worth calling around and asking about specials at your local spas.

Copy and paste the below to get a great idea of prices. As I recall I did both underarms, three sessions (maybe 5 minutes each session, hard to remember but it was in and out fast), for a total of about $120.

Beauty blogger and YTer who loves it all! Cheers, Lulu Bea aka Lulu On Beauty - Let's be FACEBOOK beauty friends!
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Bought the No No and returned it. More hair grew back after using it. A terrible mistake for me.

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Posts: 958
Registered: ‎02-06-2014

using no no is a bad idea. cheap one.

Posts: 20
Registered: ‎05-24-2010
I own the Tria and have been happy with it. It definitely is a time commitment and requires consistent use but it's definately been worth the money I spent.