Occasional Contributor
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎02-22-2012

ok I took the plunge. I have medium length, color treated, thin hair. I am totally confused about the pumps. Youtube videos are showing 6 pumps per side of hair. Q instructions say 6 to 10 pumps. Then half of that for the repeat? SOOO confused. How do you WEN girls use yours? OH when do I used the 613? Once a week? Do I replace the 613 as my second cycle once a week or add it to my regime? TIACool

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I too am new to wen. I tried for the first time in December. Still getting used to the different formulas and what works for my hair. It is a learning curve for sure! I think if it gives you say 16 pumps you split that in half for your cleanses. The gals on this forum are extremely helpful and knowledgable - just keep reading and trying!!
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

OK...back of the bottle is what I go by, because the # pumps is different for a 32 oz. and a 16 oz. Since you are new, use the higher number of pumps for your length. Use half that number for your 1st cleanse, half for your second. Make sure your hair is thoroughly wet before applying, add water as needed to distribute the product. Massage really well, working the product into your scalp with the pads of your fingers. Rinse and repeat, except comb through and leave the 2nd cleanse on while you finish your shower. My hair "squeaks" when it is rinsed enough. You will have to rinse a good bit longer than you are used to.

My hair is chin-length, so I don't bother with "sectioning", I just rub my hands together and start massaging in. If your hair is longer, you might want to apply to your scalp area first, then your ponytail area. For instance, if you are using 8 pumps for your 1st cleanse, apply half to scalp/half to length.

You can use the 613 however you want to...alone, replace some of the pumps of your other CC with some 613, everyday or once a week, just however you want to!

Hope you're not even MORE confused now, lol! Don't think about it too much, just enjoy!

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Just FYI- if you are referring to the new MIF and BGT bottles they are different than the regular 32oz, they have a longer pump dispenser so you would use less pumps. So like vermint said just follow the instructions on the bottle.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I do not understand the fascination with WEN. My hair is stick straight, not colored, not permed. I use the 2 in 1 I buy at the Dollar Tree and my stylist tells me how healthy my hair is. I also rarely blow dry.

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Registered: ‎06-20-2010
On 3/23/2015 ncascade said:

I do not understand the fascination with WEN. My hair is stick straight, not colored, not permed. I use the 2 in 1 I buy at the Dollar Tree and my stylist tells me how healthy my hair is. I also rarely blow dry.

ncascade: good for you! it sounds like you are doing everything right for your hair so stick with it. my naturally curly and dry hair always needed sooo much TLC until I started using WEN. it has dramatically simplified my hair care routine. but it sounds like you should keep doing what you are doing.

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Posts: 303
Registered: ‎09-18-2012
On 3/23/2015 ncascade said:

I do not understand the fascination with WEN. My hair is stick straight, not colored, not permed. I use the 2 in 1 I buy at the Dollar Tree and my stylist tells me how healthy my hair is. I also rarely blow dry.

Well, that's kind of like somebody saying I have beautiful, flawless skin and I just wash with bar soap, so why are you all so fascinated with facial products? Perhaps you might just accept that you're genetically blessed in the hair follicle area and don't bash others who aren't or dare to strive to see if they can make their good hair even better.

Personally, I don't understand the fascination with commenting on Wen in the nature that you have.


Super Contributor
Posts: 303
Registered: ‎09-18-2012

Well, I guess I should also respond to the OP and not let her thread be hijacked. First, I hope you find that Wen does lovely things for your hair. Many (many, many, many) of us have found that to be true.

You've already had some great advice hear about the number of pumps. From this point forward, it's just an experiment to find the right formula. As for 613, some use it every day, some use it once a week, some don't use it, some find that they can't use it. Some mix it in with other formulas (daily, weekly). Some even use it to wash their face or as a body wash. Just keep experimenting and you'll find what's good for you.

And don't be afraid to come back here to ask questions. There are, unfortunately, lots of "troll" type responses on this board, but there are, fortunately, many experineced Wenners who are willing to share and help others.
