Posts: 32
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

missing a WVM in my shipment :( .. brush review

i ordered 5 winter vanilla mint and got them a few minutes ago but only 4 were in a giant box with individual boxes of 4 inside the big box. i was opening each box thinking hmmm one is missing unless they put 2 bottles inside one box but the did not. now i have to call qvc and hope they believe me b/c i never had this happen. my receipt has 4 together and one separate listed on the receipt and all have the same tracking all 5 should have been in the one giant box. i also got the brushes today and they are going back! they do the same thing all boar brushes do give me fly away hair and do not run smooth through my hair.i'm super bummed but kind of thought this would be the case. i don't understand how chaz claims boar is for every hair type b/c my hair just does not work well with boar.the brush like i said doesn't run through smoothly as i blow dry and gets kinda stuck when i do the twist curl motion with the brush and just gives my hair a fly away static look..i don't get it?