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reply to KatCat1---what I was saying is that I want to give an American a job and give my $$ to an American in America!---------------------------marynj

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Re: masks not made in USA

[ Edited ]

I understand that a lot of people are upset about so many things coming from China.  Truthfully, especially with what is happening now, we will most likely see a change to that in the future, albeit slowly.  


That said, please don't necessarily shun medical masks which come from China right now.  You have to remember that people in China often wear masks, and before the pandemic.  Of course there will be shady places trying to take advantage of current times, but just do your research.


For the record, I have purchased a few cloth type masks from two organizations in the USA.  I also have some supply of disposable medical masks (not N95) graciously given to me by a colleague from China.  I am still working (thankfully) and part of my job has to be done outside the home. 


Another poster was correct in their statement about any type of cloth mask.  They are  to protect another person in case you have the virus.  They don't do much to protect you (unless you can place a filter in it...good luck finding them) which is why social distancing is very important, even when wearing a mask.  People mistakenly feel completely safe when wearing a mask.  People need to still keep their distance.  


Stay safe, everyone. <3


Edited for a typo.

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@Abrowneyegirl , cloth masks are basically useless. The only mask that is safe is tthe N95 which no one can get. I see so many people wearng them the wrong way anyway. So many people can't breathe through them and have to wear them with their nose exposed. Not judging those people because I know that must be very claustrophobic feeling.

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@Tricolor  I have 3 N95 respiratory masks. The type with the exposed filter. That type is fine as far a breathing but of course with any mask breathing is a bit restrictive. I got them from a friend in the medical field. I did not wear them more than once. I did buy KiBreez disposable masks at Ace Hardware. 3 layers of protection with a filter. 10 masks for 9.99...Bought 60! I also wear eye protection also from Ace. 3M anti-fog goggles (not for swiming) they are great! Clear lenses & never fog up & ajustable. Its not required but I feel my eyes are protected from fluids they might be in the air when grocery shopping which I have extended every 3 wks. Still wear my mascara LOL!

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@Icegoddess wrote:

@Shanus wrote:

@cactusgal wrote:

@danedylan And they were made out of 100% polyester not cotton. 


@cactusgal   Those paper disposable masks are difficult to breathe through and should only be worn once. I ordered a stack of asst. dog scarves from a pet supply site....a perfect triangle already or a square to fold into a triangle. Just tie around your face/head. Done.

@Shanus I saw a segment the other day with one of the lady Doctors I often see on GMA.  I don't remember too much about what she said as I was busy doing other things, but I did notice she mentioned at the end of the segment that she was just using a bandana for her face covering.

@Icegoddess, it's Dr. Ashton.  I have really liked her throughout all of this.  I now follow her on her Instagram.  

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Re: masks not made in USA

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@danedylan I agree that I would rather have the masks made in our country but the disposble masks are made in other countries particularly China. What is needed is to raize the wages. If you do wear a cloth mask I would like to suggest that you use a coffee filter inside your masks for exta protection & also wash it after each use. I have to agree with @Katcat1 that if a mask is made here someone could be infected as well as other countries that make them. Stay Well!



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Re: masks not made in USA

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@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

@Bhvbum wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

In heathcare facilities the surgical masks and the last delivery of N 95 masks are all from China, one side of the boxes are written in Chinese the other side English.


We are not permitted to wear cloth masks only.  Cloth masks can be wore over surgical though.   We were told the cloth masks are useless against the spread of COVID .

Masks are not "usless against the splread of Covid."  

They prevent the wearer from spreading the virus to others.    That is the main purpose for us to wear a mask expecially early in an infection when you may not know you are sick.  


Also if you wear a mask, you cannot touch your nose or mouth.  This doesn't protect you eyes but is better than nothing.  

No one said, "masks are useless."

The CDC said no to CLOTH MASKS unless worn over surgical masks.

@Abrowneyegirl, I'm not sure exactly what you are talking about.  Perhaps you mean in healthcare facilities no cloth masks unless worn over surgical masks but that is not what they are recommening for the everyday person.  This is directly from the CDC website:


It is critical to emphasize that maintaining 6-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus.  CDC is additionally advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.  Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.

The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators.  Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.


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@danedylan  Many years ago, everything was made in America and then wages went up and more products were exported.  I believe the people in China are working for $1.00 an hour.  I really don't know but it is a lot less.  Even designer clothing is made in other countries because it is cheaper.  It's sad that so many Americans lost their jobs years ago.

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@Icegoddess wrote:

@Shanus wrote:

@cactusgal wrote:

@danedylan And they were made out of 100% polyester not cotton. 


@cactusgal   Those paper disposable masks are difficult to breathe through and should only be worn once. I ordered a stack of asst. dog scarves from a pet supply site....a perfect triangle already or a square to fold into a triangle. Just tie around your face/head. Done.

@Shanus I saw a segment the other day with one of the lady Doctors I often see on GMA.  I don't remember too much about what she said as I was busy doing other things, but I did notice she mentioned at the end of the segment that she was just using a bandana for her face covering.


@Icegoddess   I see "Scarf Lady" doc wearing her scarves up around nose/mouth during discussions on TV. 

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Re: masks not made in USA

[ Edited ]






They may prevent the wearer from transmitting the virus (one mode of transmission, BTW). And notwithstanding that, it's already been established that non-medical grade masks, which most are wearing, are only "better than nothing."


Enough with the definitive statements about the efficacy of face masks.



What worries you masters you.