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I'd feel sorry for her and respect her desire for privacy. I would definitely not make a post about her in a forum. Perhaps she senses that she's being judged. After all, she is.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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As others have said, I doubt that her.problem is vanity, it's more likely a lack of self esteem. We've all probably been there - we run to the store with no make up and run into your boss's wife or you do an errand on a bad hair day and run into other people you know. Most of us just cringe a little and laugh about it later, but to your neighbor it would be a horrible experience. Be glad that whatever causes her to have that reaction hasn't happened to you.
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No, I go without make up a lot. I don't feel I look horrible or ugly without it.

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On 4/13/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

I have a "regular" makeup routine and a "45 second" makeup routine .... it makes it easier for me to be "presentable" all the time. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

That's me. I can slap on a bit of foundation, one coat of mascara, one swipe with the blush brush, and a little lipstick if needed in less than a minute to run up to get gas or to the minute mart. It can all be redone later.

But I wouldn't do that to walk the dog.

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You don't know what she's been through in the last 24! Let it go - it's not necessarily vanity. She has every right to her own feelings, and the dog probably couldn't wait for her to get her makeup on.

What's the big deal here? I know how she feels. I have to go out sometimes before I get a chance to put on makeup, and I hate the thought that I might frighten some small child.

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I am not vain but I won't be caught without makeup when I am out in public. I drive my BF and son insane. I even go to bed with CC cream or BE night treatment. Then again I have spots that I imagine are huge but in reality they are not. If I am not going anywhere I will leave off the eye makeup but never foundation. Even when I really try to go without makeup I don't make it very long without putting it on. I can understand how that woman felt but she did handle it oddly.

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I doubt that her actions were related to a lack of makeup. Too extreme for that. I never, ever go outside my house without makeup. I would no more go out without some makeup on than I would go out without showering or without brushing my teeth. Make is just part of my daily grooming. Yes, I am vain. Not overly so, but I am vain. And at 54, I think that's a good thing. I'll never be the thinest woman in a room, I'll never be the tallest but I will always be the BEST ME, I can possibly be whenever I am in public. Not to say that I don't wear some makeup when I'm home alone or just with my husband; because I do. Call me silly but I just like looking pretty.

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I agree with what many OP have said. She isn't vain...she's insecure to have people see her without makeup because she feels ugly. I can totally relate. The few times that I have run outside to let the dog out without makeup I have had neighbors drive by (of course!) and stop to say Hi. Literally every time this has happened they have asked me if I am sick. I just started saying Yes because I'm so embarrassed that my nautral face looks sick!!! Because of other's comments I now never step a foot outside without at least the basic makeup on. Believe me, it's not vanity. She wishes she could look good without makeup but if she's anything like me she doesn't Smiley Sad Try to be empathetic, not judgemental.
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Put on a pair of sunglasses and relax .......... When I was younger I wouldn't go out until I had the full make-up on. Today? Sunglasses!!!!

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On 4/14/2014 sashamatthews said:

Put on a pair of sunglasses and relax .......... When I was younger I wouldn't go out until I had the full make-up on. Today? Sunglasses!!!!

I agree with you. Unfortunately when you live somewhere that's not usually sunny it looks rather odd! Haha Smiley Happy