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You don't know what is going on in anyone's life at any given moment. You said it was very early in the morning...maybe she had a very bad night for whatever reason. She may have said whatever popped into her head as you caught her off guard, not expecting to see anyone. Don't judge as you don't know.

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I always like to look my yes I can see her point.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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In a word, yes. Since retiring last October, I've not put my 'face' on every single day. Lately several of the neighbors have stopped by during the day for one reason or another and I've been SO embarrassed. I've learned now to at least sweep on some Laura Geller Balance and Brighten - especially under my eyes and around my nose - no matter WHAT!

I really do look awful without makeup, I mean really awful. I'm less than thrilled for people to see me like that.

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I regularly talk to neighbors without any makeup on. It doesn't bother me at all.

We all have different comfort levels.

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On 4/13/2014 annabellethecat said:

I've said here in different ways that I think women are our own worst enemies.

Just look at what goes on here sometimes. Can you imagine males talking about people personally I'm talking about like some do here?

Look at me. I've said my wig needs it's own email address.

I put it on as a lark and people were coming up to me saying, "I love your hair". I'd say "It's a wig". It was as if they didn't hear me! What the hay? 'Friends I haven't seen in awhile made a big deal about my hair!

Now I don't want to leave the house without it on. (My hair is very, very thin in the front).

I am very open about it being a wig. I was at the dentist a few weeks ago and had a new helper. She left the room and the stupid wig kept falling downward over my eyes. I took the stupid thing off and put it on my lap.

When she walked in the room she let out a yell! Everyone in the place came running!

Thank you for making my day with a laugh. You are truly a talented, articulate writer.

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I have a ""regular"" makeup routine and a ""45 second"" makeup routine .... it makes it easier for me to be ""presentable"" all the time.

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On 4/13/2014 SurvivedOne said:

You don't know what is going on in anyone's life at any given moment. You said it was very early in the morning...maybe she had a very bad night for whatever reason. She may have said whatever popped into her head as you caught her off guard, not expecting to see anyone. Don't judge as you don't know.

I guess the question would be, has the OP seen this woman before without makeup, or was this a new situation. The answer may shed some light.

When I was enduring heinous treatment for precancerous spots on my face, I would have reacted the same way, if I even left my house.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Afraid so. When I walk to the mailbox in the morning I pray I do not see anyone when I am not all fixed up. I totally get it.
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My grandmother taught me many things: among them....

don't ever go out without your hair and makeup fixed

never drink from a straw; it causes wrinkles around your mouth

ladies do not sweat, we glisten!

I miss my grandmother!

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What? Goodness, I can't imagine anyone doing that and I don't know anyone who would act like that.

Relationships are always much more important than vanity. No one cares if you are wearing make-up or not. Unless someone has a facial disfigurement I can't imagine why anyone would react that way to being seen without make-up.

She should have just said hello, it's nice to see you too...and moved along. Her manner just brought more negative attention to herself.