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So I was on my way to take our dog for a grooming appointment. It was early morning and I saw one of my neighbors walking her dog. I pulled over to say hi, we live on a cul de sac. Haven't seen her over the winter. So she says to me, don't look at me, I do have not make up on and I look horrible and she walked away. I didn't have make up on either. Are women really that concerned about their appearance.

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Well, heavens, if she doesn't want anyone to see her without her make up, she shouldn't leave the house without it. That's what I did when I was in my 20's. Why take the chance.

Now years older and wiser if someone sees me with make up they probably would drive by and not recognize me.

To answer your question, yes there are some women who are that concerned about their appearance that they can't let the natural woman show through.

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Sorry but that's just plain weird. Once stopped, who says "don't look at me", then trots away? If she's that concerned about it, she should have slapped a little MU on before leaving the house to walk her dog.

Beyond weird. {#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Apparently so. If I was that concerned, I wouldn't have left the house. I can't imagine getting all spiffed up to walk the dog, but that's just me. Maybe I'm a little to relaxed.

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We were working really late one night after a power outage. Couldn't get building alarm set so we called in a supervisor who lives just a few minutes away.

She did her hair and mu to come in for 5 minutes @ 11 at night.

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I've said here in different ways that I think women are our own worst enemies.

Just look at what goes on here sometimes. Can you imagine males talking about people personally I'm talking about like some do here?

Look at me. I've said my wig needs it's own email address.

I put it on as a lark and people were coming up to me saying, "I love your hair". I'd say "It's a wig". It was as if they didn't hear me! What the hay? 'Friends I haven't seen in awhile made a big deal about my hair!

Now I don't want to leave the house without it on. (My hair is very, very thin in the front).

I am very open about it being a wig. I was at the dentist a few weeks ago and had a new helper. She left the room and the stupid wig kept falling downward over my eyes. I took the stupid thing off and put it on my lap.

When she walked in the room she let out a yell! Everyone in the place came running!

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I have been known to take my dog out in pjs with no makeup and my hair not fixed. I do live in the country and I don't have people just dropping by. Being seen without makeup doesn't bother me and I would never be that rude to a neighbor. Now on the off chance someone did pop by and I was walking my dog in my pjs, I would simply ask them to give me a minute to change.

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On 4/13/2014 myshell624 said:

I have been known to take my dog out in pjs with no makeup and my hair not fixed. I do live in the country and I don't have people just dropping by. Being seen without makeup doesn't bother me and I would never be that rude to a neighbor. Now on the off chance someone did pop by and I was walking my dog in my pjs, I would simply ask them to give me a minute to change.

You take your dog out in pjs with no makeup??? {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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This is not vanity, this is shame. Instead of being critical, how about trying some empathy and compassion. For whatever reason, that woman at that moment on that day felt so ugly that she couldn't bear for you to even look at her. I feel for her.
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I don't think your neighbor sounds vain, just very insecure about her appearance.