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@JustJazzmom wrote:

If you have trees that have branches bending from the snow try to get outside to knock off the excess snow with a broom. Obviously if the trees are 30' high, you are not going to be doing this. Smaller trees 10' or less you can remove the snow.

There is no way for me or anyone else to go out into my back yard right now.  The snow is to my waist and over my head in some places, due to drifts.


I have a window above my kitchen sink that is blocked almost completely by snow.  The snow is over 8 feet high against my house and it is still falling.  Right now the snow flakes are really big.  Our weatherman said we are getting 2 inches an hours in my area.  We also have thunder and lightening.... Go figure. 


The  only good thing is that the snow is dry.  We are not getting that wet heavy snow that is really damaging.  I hope my poor trees and shrubs hold up under all of this snow stress.

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No snow here, but it sure is pretty on tv!!☃☃☃

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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I was briefly outside with a shovel to clear a path so the birds can have some water. The saucer had tilted below a brick and I used the handle of the broom to level it and readded water to it. There is a de-icer inside and that is all you could see originally before I removed the excess snow! This snow is wet and heavy. I wish it was powdery. Still snowing here and blowing.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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@SurferWife wrote:

No snow here, but it sure is pretty on tv!!☃☃☃

*************************Please!  Feel free to take mine!!!!!!  LOL!!!

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We live in the Ohio Valley and we got about 4 inches on top of the 3-4 we already had from earlier in the week. Our city dealt with it fairly well. We were predicted to get more and some people are upset they stocked up for nothing. Geez. 

We had to dig out a path for our dog to pee and poop in the yard. South of us got more than 12 inches. 

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We had 7 inches here in Nashville, TN.  It's the most since the 70s!!  I am a retired teacher and I now substitute.  No pay when I don't teach, and I doubt we're in school any next week!  Stay safe everyone and stay warm!!

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Best to enjoy winter because summer may be hotter than hades.   Heard a long range forecast and El Nino will be disminishing this spring and may be replaced by LA Nina which means hotter and dryer conditions than normal.  We could have a summer hotter than last year which broke records. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Local news said we broke a record here, 31.7 inches and usually get 32.8 for a full winter season of snow.

After the 31.7 inches of snow than is the drifts and boy do we have drifts. DS has a bush outside his bedroom window that is window sill height and the snow on that is up to the top of his window.


I love to see it coming down but when it is here and sticks around forever which it does when it is so deep and plowed so high plus gets so dirty looking I can't wait till it is gone.


I look forward to the middle of March. At least then if we get anything it usually isn't a lot and doesn't stick around.


Kachina624, I did hear that too about it being a very hot summer, more so than usual which I also don't like, hate humidity.


AS DH always says, he can always put more clothes on, winter, but can only take so much off, summer, lol.