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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Thanks for all your suggestions and good wishes.


Call it pride or whatever, but I cannot imagine myself without hair!  I have pretty nice hair, and when younger, it was beautiful. 


I have not been a hat or scarf person, so my knowledge is pretty skimpy on that.  I would like the option of hair when going out.  I have looked through websites, and it's frustrating they don't have the option of seeing different colors on the model too much.  It is easier to relate it to yourself with a color close to yours.  And would like to see the differences in, say, auburn tones. 


Since I don't know how it comes out, I have been told to consider having it shaved off. 


Sometimes I tell myself "you have cancer and you're worrying about your hair?"  I guess it's a tangible feeling.



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@hyacinth003 ----girl---going bald for a few months is really freeing-I posted before on this----like I said--the THOUGHT  is 100x worse than when it happens--really it is and I tell you, I didn't miss the 45 minutes  a day that it took to do my hair. I never was a hat /scarf person either, but I got some really cute hats and scarves that looked great on. If the place you are going to have your treatment at, has a cancer center---go check it out--mine had many wigs for me to try on and they were free. I went to my hair gal and she cut my hair very short, but I still had hair. Mine fell out just after my first treatment--I was on a 2 month routine where I got treatments every 2 weeks --so 4 times in 2 months. My scalp got very tender to the touch when it started falling out--then I just pulled it off as that felt really good--and I let the birdies have it for their  nests Woman Wink

YES your hair will grow back. It really will and it will happen fast too. My hair was a medium mousy brown and it grew out grey at the temples and brown elsewhere----and today the color is a combo of brown and the grey and it looks FABULOUS !! Have had many comments asking where I had the color done!!


I said the same thing--why am I so worried about not having hair, I have cancer---common to feel that way. So yes, your concerns and feelings are very valid----but you are saving your life and bravo to you!!!! It's a wild ride so buckle up!!! But you will do it!!!


Woman Happy go stomp those cancer zombies!!!!

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Registered: ‎04-19-2017

Will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts for the fight ahead of you!  I lost my hair to alopecia.........every hair on my body.  Before it was completely gone I went to a salon that specialized in wigs and picked one out that was near my hair color etc.  It wasn't very expensive and it never felt right.  Then I was offered a human hair wig, brand new and yet to be cut (they come quite long) by a stylist for half price.  It was a pain in the neck because it was hot and I needed to wash and style it weekly.......not fun on a foam wig stand.  My next piece was picked out for me by a stylist who was a customer of mine and insisted he knew what I should have.  He was right.  A good synthetic is wonderful.  Doesn't have to be real expensive.  I think you should go somewhere now and find a style and color you like.  Yes, your hair will come back but it can take awhile to get to the length you like.  It will likely be different in color, texture and amount too.......that can be good or bad but remember, you've still got the wig.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@hyacinth003 wrote:

Thanks for all your suggestions and good wishes.


Call it pride or whatever, but I cannot imagine myself without hair!  I have pretty nice hair, and when younger, it was beautiful. 


I have not been a hat or scarf person, so my knowledge is pretty skimpy on that.  I would like the option of hair when going out.  I have looked through websites, and it's frustrating they don't have the option of seeing different colors on the model too much.  It is easier to relate it to yourself with a color close to yours.  And would like to see the differences in, say, auburn tones. 


Since I don't know how it comes out, I have been told to consider having it shaved off. 


Sometimes I tell myself "you have cancer and you're worrying about your hair?"  I guess it's a tangible feeling.



My thoughts and good feelings are with you @hyacinth003 . I've been through this too and losing my hair was devastating to me. I also was not a scarf or do-rag person so opted for a couple wigs. As I stated in previous post, I've been happy with Toni Brattin wigs I've gotten here from Q, and still wear them.