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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

What's interesting is that the product name may be disguised and it may offend some, but the channels sometimes allow on-air, shall I say, shenanigans from hosts and vendors which are not suitable.  

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

Silly name,but the word itself isn't offensive to me. But if you are going to sell something, then you should put it out there and not hide it. Unless it is an FCC thing?

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

FCC considers seven words in their 'dirty words' list and the word ass is not one of them. That's why we can type it here on this forum without it being censored.

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

@MarkeieMark wrote:

While it doesn't offend you, it more than likely would someone else.  It's crass.

ITA. Also, classless

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

@stevieb wrote:

I don't think use of the word is any big deal. That said, it's a stupid name for a cosmetic kit, obviously coined to garner customer attention and to capture a certain demographic... I do find it somewhat ridiculous that if HSN is going to carry the kit they refuse to use/show the name, however goofy it might be...

The phase does not promote beauty in my opinion

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

Obviously, to avoid offending people who would be offended by a curse word even if cursing is accepted by many today.  Why would you be bothered by it?  

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

It’s crass. My opinion of course.
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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

@Starpolisher wrote:

While it doesn't offend me, it doesn't appeal to me either. So naturally, I probably wouldn't buy it. As someone else mentioned the name is probably to attract a younger demographic. Of course, I usually feel that appealing to my generation makes more sense because...To paraphrase Kathy Bates in "Fried Green Tomatoes," “Face it, girls. I’m older and I have more money.” LOL!Smiley LOL




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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

@RoughDraft wrote:

With some of the horrible things going on in the world today, this doesn't even cause a blip on my personal radar.  No, it doesn't offend me, but there's always someone in the wings who will be.  

That's horror in the world today...too many accept and dont feel a blip in their personal it goes on, and takes it to the next level...much lower.  This is what lures in customers...????  WOW!!

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Re: Why is HSN disguising a word in their Benefit kit?

[ Edited ]

This doesn't bother me anywhere near Too Faced innuendos or straight out names of their 2 faced, Better than sex or even their new mask ."Glow job". Their products are full of it. Just gross and no thank you.