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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-05-2011

Why does the Tarte Achiote Duo not have the achiote fruit listed in the ingredients at all?

I was a Tarte fan then fell off the wagon because I wasn't pleased with the packaging and now I have been pulled back in by all the fabulous products that have been appearing lately. The upcoming TSV is a total must have-not even an option. It is simply fabulous. However, I have been on the fence about the Achiote duo. Upon reading the Q&A, I see the ingredients listed. Not ONCE does it list achiote. Are we the suckers for a campaign of this miracle fruit when the colors are actually Red #7 or #5 or whatever they use in a lab? I will be really upset if we are. I was really starting to open my arms to Tarte again.