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When you wash your hair in the shower --

Do you stand with your back or front to the shower spray. I stand so my hair gets wet and get all the product, somehow I do not want to get the shampoo on my face.

I know this is sort of a silly question but oh well Smiley Happy

ETA I have hair past my shoulders that is wavy and uber uber thick

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

My hair is down to my waist so I am always back to the shower spray. I could not imagine doing facing forward except over a sink.

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

I stand with my back to the shower head.

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

Back to the shower head also.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

I wash my wig facing the sink.

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

I stand with my back toward the shower spray. I don't like to get water in my eyes.

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

On 9/25/2014 brewhaha said:

I wash my wig facing the sink.

Ba ha ha thank you I can always count on you for a laugh

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

I face the shower head and bend forward to wash and rinse my hair. Many years ago I was in a J C Penney salon getting a haircut, when an older woman came in to complain that she had no curl/perm left in the crown of her head. I could tell from the way the stylist greeted this woman, she was a regular salon customer. First thing the stylist asked her, "are you still washing your hair in the shower?" The woman said yes, and the stylist told her that when she stands under the shower head, and let's the water beat down on her hair, the force of the water is beating her perm to death, and that's why she loses the curl in that spot so quickly. The stylist explained this same water force is why men develop bald spots in that area, because of letting the shower water beat down on their head every day for years and years. I've always remembered that, so I bend forward and let the water fall more on the base of my neck when I wash my hair.
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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

Back to the shower head. I don't like getting shampoo in my eyes.

Based on Red Top's post, I guess those of us who stand with our backs to the shower head will soon have bald spots on the backs of our heads.{#emotions_dlg.confused1}

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Re: When you wash your hair in the shower --

Interesting question. I face the shower head so all of the shampoo and the conditioner filled water runs all over my face. I am convinced that the conditioner is making me get blemishes my face. I try and rinse the best I can, but I have switched to having my back to the shower so that all that "stuff" doesn't run all over my face. Any thoughts on this one?