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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I use my No No for the face peach fuzz. For me, it works great!

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

Once month, I take my little pink disposable razor and run it down the sides of my face, takes a few seconds.

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I've tried the Bellame (sp.?) and although it does work, it caused my skin to breakout, I believe because rolling the coil up and down my face pushed bacteria into my pores and they got irritated and clogged up. (It was a bit uncomfortable as well - ouch - but it does get the hair).

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

On 1/2/2014 mistriTsquirrel said:
On 1/2/2014 Good4u said:

You can get a facial trimmer like "Finishing Touch" which I use between my lip and nose area for delicate fine places on the face. It works well.

I use that too.

I don't have to worry about cutting my skin with a razor, irritating it with a depilatory, or burning it with some device.

I also use it and love it. Some products like depilatories and waxing/sugaring left my skin too smooth in the area the hair was removed and it made my skin look odd, especially when make-up was applied. You could definitely see where I had slight fuzz on my cheek area and then a line of demarcation where all fuzz was removed.

I don't have that problem with the finishing touch.

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I was never concerned about a little "peach fuzz" along the sides and bottom of my face until I started coloring my hair and some of the color would sometimes get into the facial hairs in my "sideburn" area. Not a good look. Also, aging does make the peach fuzz problem more pronounced. I find that a few quick passes with a disposable razor and some shaving cream about once a month take care of the problem quickly and easily. I've been doing this for several years and haven't noticed any coarsening of the little hairs.

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I found a chin hair the other day....I swear it was 2 inches long!!! It's like I went to bed and it grew that fast over night! Or I just missed it and was walking around in public that way! Talk about embarrassing!
Posts: 52
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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I started shaving my peach fuzz five years ago and have never looked back. I use a dry disposable and a light hand. No stubble, no darker hair, and I think it helps with exfoliating. I was scared to try it but so glad I did.
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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

Wow, I don't feel like such a freak now, thanks everyone for telling me that you all suffer from the fuzz attack too! I live alone with a few close friends far away so I thought it would be good to turn to this board that I usually just read on with occasional posts. I think I will use a gentle razor or finishing touch tool…..although the finishing touch tool may not suit the larger task across my lower cheeks and jaw? I imagine I should start something as if I can see it in the right light then it must be really noticeable outside on a sunny day. Never had so much fuzz before so I am sure it is old age and maybe the LightStim that I have started using for 6 months or so. Yes, I have seen gentle improvement on my face that is also aging from the LightStim. I just turned 63 so things are starting to change for me, I am lucky that it is just catching up to me now as I live in the sun in the summer. Thanks again for all the good ideas.

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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

I have the very, very light peach fuzz too. I have mine waxed, but really my gal doesn't recommend it too often! The fuzz doesn't get long, so not sure waxing makes a dif. I do notice some foundations make it more pronounced. I'm glad at mid 50, ten years post memo to not have a full beard and stash, so try to just deal the the fuzz!
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Re: What to do for soft blonde ""peach"" fuzz along jaw line and lower face?

On 1/3/2014 loveschocolate said: I found a chin hair the other day....I swear it was 2 inches long!!! It's like I went to bed and it grew that fast over night! Or I just missed it and was walking around in public that way! Talk about embarrassing!

Yep. That's how those nasty, dark chin hairs sneak up on you. You don't see anything in your bathroom mirror and then you look at your face in the car mirror in the sunshine...........and O.M.G.!!!!! How long have I been running around in public like this???!!!