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Registered: ‎09-23-2013

Re: What is your Skinn haul so far this visit?

I mentioned on the thread regarding the Skinn Collagenesis kit that I received my 5 pc. kit yesterday and have tried everything - face and eye serums, 24 hr. cream, face balm and hand cream. I found everything pleasant to use, and this morning my face was very moisturized. I ordered based you the excellent recommendations from many of you. Thanks again to those that responded when I asked about the kit. I will definitely post again about it later after using it for a time.

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: What is your Skinn haul so far this visit?

On 5/31/2014 willdob3 said:

Has everyone received their goodies?

My tracking shows that my package was delivered yesterday morning. It was not. Not today either. I was not able to get through to the post office today & they are closed now. I called CS to let them know. I asked them to hold off on a refund until I talk w/the PO. I would rather have the products than a refund.

I finally got through to the post office. Th package had the wrong address on it. The first number was missing so it was delivered to the wrong place. They will attempt to get it back.

SHQ already told me they cannot replace the package & will have to refund my money if the package is not found.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,095
Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: What is your Skinn haul so far this visit?

I talked with SHQ CS again. The do have the kit I ordered in stock & will replace it if I don't get the missing package.