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Registered: ‎06-05-2014

What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

I've often wondered what combination of products Dr Denese uses. Her skin is absolutely beautiful. Maybe she'll tell us exactly what she uses and what she does to have such radiant skin.

I've been blessed with beautiful skin my entire life - until the last 6 months. I woke up one morning to find bags under my eyes that are so big they could hold clothes for a week's vacation!! How does that happen? I even looked at photos taken in the last year and didn't have the bags yet here they are - I get to stare at them each and every morning and wonder how I can lessen them (without surgery).

Dr Denese, tell us what you use. And, please, PLEASE tell me if there's anything short of surgery or fillers than I can do to lessen my undereye bags. Down with undereye bags!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

Retinol, retinol and more retinol .... {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

I'm sure she uses her own product line. I've had good results with the advanced firming pads and her Firming Facial Age Corrector Cream. I have heard Dr. Oz talk about the bags under his eyes. Don't know what he advised. Did you have a change in sleep pattern?

Maybe not enough sleep.

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

You reach a certain age, then after that -- dog years, I swear.

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

On 6/5/2014 MarenSeattle said:

You reach a certain age, then after that -- dog years, I swear.

exactly! You suddenly find out why its called the change (insert jaws theme here)
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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

I read somewhere on these boards that she had plastic surgery. Maybe just a rumor.

If you can dream it you can do it--Walt Disney
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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

Yes, I heard it was a knife, too.

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

I'm inclined to think some surgery. She does not have a wrinkle or a crease. I saw her with LR, and she looked much younger than Lisa. I think I've heard the Dr. say she's in her 50's. Her line is good, but I don't think anything is that good.

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

I don't know, but her clinical reserve stuff is working for me...

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Re: What does Dr Denese use personally to have such beautiful skin?

Hey whoever reported my post ... how can I report you?