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What do you do with lipstick?

Have a ton of lippies I no longer wear.


I know they can't be passed on for hygenic reasons.


Is there repurposing that I'm not aware of?


Throw away?   ($$$sigh$$$)

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

Toss ‘em unless you would use some as blush. It’s liberating. 

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

They gotta go. Lesson learned. No getting the $ back, so free up your space for the ones you do use. If it makes you feel any less guilty, I am right there with you.

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

I toss them.  Cannot be used again.  However I  buy only colors that I know I can wear so I use them up almost to the  end and then toss them.  I  have fair  skin, green eyes, silver white hair.  I buy only shades with a blue cast like wine or mauve. I never buy pink or clear red.  And I have favorite products... always on sale  and not  pricey.  

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

I shop at a local grocery store in the DC/Balt area where they are very envionmentally concious and they actually recycle old cosmetics.  I'm sure not for the actual cosmetic, but the packaging.


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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

@pommom  Just toss them and  then forget about them! I am a lipstuff junkie myself, and have had to throw away many because they either went bad before I could use them up, or I just didn't like them.


Sigh...It's a sickness! Woman Sad

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

Yep--toss them all!! I have been doing that with my crazy, out of control, collection of make up that I NEVER  use----why am I keeping it all??? Just take a deep, cleansing breathe, exhale......slowly.......and toss it out!!!!  Woman Wink

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

I've got too's ridiculous, isn't it?? I wear a few then decide I don't like them and then they start multiplying in my drawer. I hate it when I have to throw away money!!

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Re: What do you do with lipstick?

I save and repurpose my eye shadow palettes and put lipsticks in the wells. That way, with a brush, I can mix 2 together and make other shades much better than each one was individually. It helps to put a few light ones and mid-tones. In the drugstore, those long strips for meds w/ flip tops (say M, T, W on top) are great for this.

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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: What do you do with lipstick?

That's a great idea with the meds containers @Shanus. How clever!