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What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

Interesting article HERE. Mine are hazel and I like to wear all colors, but if I really want my eyes to stand out I rely on plum (to bring the green out) , bronze, khaki, and navy. Enjoy reading! Smile

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

I just checked this chart and says with my green eyes I should pick something with a reddish cast, no way. Anything with red makes me look like there is something the matter with my eyes.

I love Mally's dark or deep Olive(forget if it is called dark or deep). I also like her gunmetal or even her black navy but the dark/deep olive works the best as far as color goes. I can get away with a deep plum as well as a brownish green or greyish green. These are what work best for me, no way does anything with red in look good on me even with green eyes.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

Nice article, because they also suggest specific brands and shades.

I have brown eyes, with maybe a fleck of hazel. Their suggestion of earthy browns is totally non-descript on me. Other than that, I can wear most colors, if that's the look I want.

The concept is to use a shade that contrasts with your eye color. That's why black is almost universal, but it's the tone of black that either works or looks too harsh.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

I have dark brown eyes. I usually wear an eggplant color eyeliner or a deep olive color. Tarter makes a dark olive color that's very nice.

I very rarely wear black. I find it's too harsh on me.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

ITA with what she recommends for my green eyes. I've also found that if I pick colors from the flecks in my eyes, I can't go wrong.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

My eyes are green with a dark blue outer line. So they can appear either green or blue depending on what eyeliner I use(which lately has been a deep burgundy which makes them look green) Interesting article and it is the way I pick my shades too.
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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

My green eyes are a much lighter green than the model they showed for green eyes. The closest thing I can relate my eye color to is adventurine. I like to wear very dark purple eyeliner and a subtle shade of purple shadow. I like clothing in the blues and purples best as my skin color is a cool, fair shade.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

I've always believed that hair color, skin color & eye shape also play a roll in eye makeup/liner shades, not just eye color. I have brown eyes, medium beige skin & medium brown hair. I wear a variety of colors, but tend to like Navy & Chocolate brown best. The only shade that's too much for me is black.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

These references are a good jumping off point if one is uncertain about what looks best on them. Also we should factor in skintone when choosing a liner color. Such as in my case where wine/purple liners are always suggested for brown eyes, but unless the liner is a an almost navy plum, I look like I've been crying. I have brown eyes, but with my caramel brown complexion shades of navy/dark blues looks best on me. I also like the way deep teals, charcoals, and of course dark browns look on me. I look ok in black liner, but have never worn it -- not even when I was a young woman. I only use black to make a color from a set wearable if it's otherwise too light or shimmery for me.

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Re: What color eyeliner is best for your eye color?

Lately I've been using Laura Mercier's Blue Marine for tightlining and to create a little cat wing. I had been doing a black cat eye liner but I like the Blue Marine color and only tightlining and at edges of my eye as it looks softer. She makes a great green one too. I have hazel eyes, medium/dark brown hair and light to medium olive skin tone.

QVC lost a lot of my posts too!