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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

Check out the mascara by 100 Percent Pure.

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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

I have a cornea disease and have to be extremely careful with what I use.  My favorite mascara ever is Thrive Causemetics Liquid Extensions.  It isn't labeled as waterproof, but wear like waterproof.  Lasts and lasts and feels soft.  I love it!

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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

@Glittergal wrote:

I have a cornea disease and have to be extremely careful with what I use.  My favorite mascara ever is Thrive Causemetics Liquid Extensions.  It isn't labeled as waterproof, but wear like waterproof.  Lasts and lasts and feels soft.  I love it!

That's my favorite as well.  My eyes water like crazy when I wear most eye makeup.  But Thrive doesn't do that to me.  Another that works is LoReal tubing mascara in the red tube.  Most of the tube mascaras work but those two are the best.

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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

@Suzeecat wrote:

I used to wear any old mascara without a problem.  Then, I stopped wearing makeup during the pandemic.  Now that I'm going back into the office a few days a week, I find that my mascara (yes, even brand new) is really bothering my eyes.  I just switched from glasses to contact lenses and asked my optometrist for her opinion on a gentle mascara and she suggested Clinique.  I'm just wondering if you lovely beauties have any other suggestions.


Thanks in advance!

I always heard Almay was the most hypoallergenic.  You need to hit your google button for search and reviews.  This is not something a lot of women purchase mascare based on.  It's usually other traits of a brand that makes women buy @Suzeecat 

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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

@IMIV Just wanted to thank you for mentioning this brand.  I don't wear a lot of make up at all but once in awhile I like to put some mascara on.  I've had dry eyes for many, many years now and just couldn't find a sensitive brand that would work for me.  I ALWAYS end up with flaking under my eyes, it's generally a disaster.  I ordered this brand in hopes that this might be the one!   Thank you againSmiley Happy

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Re: What Is The Most Hypoallergenic Mascara?

I don't wear any eye makeup very often, but when I do, it's strictly Almay!  I get the one in the light green tube.  It really makes my eyelashes look thicker and I don't have any irritation when wearing it.  My eyes are super cranky and no problems with this!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin