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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

On 6/6/2014 jaxs mom said:

Beaches I'm sorry about the anniversary of your loss.

MissKlynn, I'm excited that you might add your kitty family. Can't wait to see pics of your girls.

Thank you Jaxsmom
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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

Beaches, what a beautiful post. Sending hugs.

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

On 6/6/2014 beaches21 said: I want to talk about my German shepherd, my best friend who I rescued. Yesterday was two years she went to the rainbow bridge. Of all the dogs I had , she was the best, she was so smart. My other best friend I lost four years ago she was also a rescue, a beautiful Persian/Hymalayian(sp?), she was beautiful. I have no idea how people left her to die. I have another cat now that I rescued during hurricane Irene, her mom abandoned her and she hung on a brick wall all night during the storm. I heard her crying. The vet said she was there all night and wouldn't have made it if I didn't hear her. I want another dog so bad but I can't right now but I'm hoping someday soon I can rescue yet another. I have to be happy loving the angels for now. Great post since mostly all Wenners are animal lovers as well.

beaches, I'm so sorry about your German shepherd, but it's wonderful that you've rescued so many animalsSmiley Happy

-- bebe Smile

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

DH and I have always had pets. All have either been rescued or private purchase/adoption - no pet shops or puppy mills for us. We started out with a cat (Clyde), a humane society rescue who was so smart and a great companion. After having him awhile we tried adding a Bonnie, but it didn't work out. Clyde was our only cat for a number of years. He'd greet us at the door when we'd come home and knew how to "speak" and "sit pretty" when asked. In August of '96, we visited some friends who farm, intending to bring home a kitten. Instead, we brought home three! Both Zeke and Savannah are gone now, July '09 and Nov. '13, respectively . Jinx is hanging in there, but we're pretty sure she's deaf. She was very attached to our son. He's moved recently and was unable to take the cat. She seems kind of lost without him here. In the past we tried twice to have dogs and were very unsuccessful. We were a busy family and gone much of the time between work and weekend commitments. It was unfair of us to keep a dog confined to a crate for so many hours in a day so we opted to find better homes for them. My desire to have a dog never went away. DH & I agreed that we were going to be patient and picky before jumping into anything again,and we were going to wait for the breed we wanted (Golden Retriever). In Dec. 2012, we learned about Chase needing a home. Learning about his availability came completely out of left field. He was with another family member, but he needed more attention than they could give (another busy young family situation and I totally understood). He came to live with us on December 30, 2012 as a 10 month old. He did have a few behavior issues that we had to nip in the bud, but has grown into such a wonderful dog. He's my constant companion, loves being outside, loves running and playing, loves attention and being close, obeys commands. If I'm sitting anywhere, he's right there beside me. If I'm on the couch, he will often have his head in my lap. If I'm laying on the couch, he'll either lay at the end (keeping my feet warm) or he'll lay on the floor beside the couch where I can still reach down to pet him. If I'm in the recliner, well, he's up in my lap! He has no concept of size-to-space ratios. He's about 85#, but thinks he's a lap dog! Yes, I could tell him to get off. Sometimes I do, but I often give in because he's just so sweet. I swear I always said I'd never be a crazy dog mom, but admit that I've absolutely and unashamedly have become one. I love my dog so much, I don't know what I'd ever do without him. We're both very attached to one another. I honestly don't know who owns who. My boy is a WENdog, too!

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

beaches, I'm so sorry about your doggie! I think most of us here have been through that, too...many more than once, so we understand. It never gets easier.

I currently have 3 kitties...all rescues. Poppy is a gorgeous (and knows it!) 6 y/o tabby, Booker is a 3 y/o gray/white boy who is all legs--and such a bad boy! But also a total sweetie who loves to be cuddled & give sloppy wet kisses. Missy is our office cat (DH & I have our own business). She belonged to my late MIL. Nobody else wanted her, so we tried to have her at home, just didn't work. She needs to be an "only". So she's been our "office manager" for 4 years now. She is a gray tuxedo with a crumpled ear...but we think she's beautiful!

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

I have three dogs, two are rescues , one is a Sheltie - Cody is nearly 15 years old and has kidney failure , thyroid problems, glaucoma in one eye with a detached retina and high blood pressure so I don't know how much longer he will be with me, I'm giving him fluid under the skin 2 times a day now, plus all of his medications he is on and I keep praying when it's his time to go he goes in his sleep because I don't want to make the decision to have to put my little sweet guy to sleep. Harley is my other rescue and I think he is maybe Sheltie and Border Collie mix and he is 12 years old and a very sweet lovable boy. Chico is the last dog I got and he is 10 years,old and is a Chihuahua and thinks he's as big as the others of course. So all of my boys are getting older.
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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

I love reading about everyone's pets - so heartwarming! Two years ago yesterday, I got the sweetest, most adorable rescue pup and it's been great ever since!

 photo DORA4_zpscb32d4f9.jpg" alt="Dora 1" />

 photo DORA3_zpsa6c26746.jpg" alt="Dora 2" />

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

This thread is a great idea! As for us, we have three dogs, all from shelters ~ a border collie/ lab mix, a coonhound/plott hound mix & a boxer/coonhound mix. We also have two rabbits, one canary and a sun conure. We just had a pond put in our backyard so our latest additions are six koi and one goldfish! One of my favorite parts of the day is when I first wake up and go out there to feed them. {#emotions_dlg.wub} I wish I were computer savvy enough to post pictures ~ if I figure it out I'll be sure to share some with all of you!

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

What a fun thread!!! I have 4 wonderful kitties, all rescues. Indy is 16 this year. Indy was one of my first 2 kitties we adopted. His brother Rex went to rainbow bridge 3 years ago March 6th. Broke my heart, I loved him so much, we had a special bond. Madison is 9 and is part Bengal and quite a handful. Very smart and wants to be king of the house. Then there are Emmit and Phoenix, 2 beautiful black and white brothers who are 3 years old. To say more about Indy, he is part Maine Coon and so sweet and laid back. They all bring such joy and laughter into our lives. Love them all!!!

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

Oh too cute!

I think June was probably the worst month to start this thread. So many shows to talk about and new products to swoon over.

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