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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 3/19/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 3/19/2014 suzyQ3 said:
On 3/19/2014 Buck-i-Nana said: What other company is in the business of reviewing and recommending products? NONE. She should have completely separated herself from her beautipedia (sp) the moment she went in to the business of beauty products. JMHO.

ETA - My personal thoughts are that nothing says that the products she highly recommends where she has a competing product are the products she believes he product will be preferred by her fans, and withholding the high rating from the products that if used side by side by consumers the competitors product would win. Yeah, I'm a cynic, but that's how my mind works. I will take my personal experience over someone else's analysis any day.

I don't know how she could really divorce herself from Beautypedia. Wasn't it at one time a subscription kind of thing? I thought I'd heard that. Personally, I just think it would be wiser for her not to include her own products. But it's obviously not a big deal to me.

Buck-i-Nana, it might just be me at the moment, but I can't decipher your added paragraph. I'm not sure what you're saying. It's the one I bolded.

EGAD, I just re-read it....sorry!

Basically, it's my very own "conspiracy theory" (not saying it's true, just food for thought).

No way to prove or disprove the possibility that the reviews for products where Paula has her own product to sell are hedged. Good reviews to products that meet her criteria but she believes consumers would choose hers over her competition if they tried them all. Lesser reviews to products that really deserve higher but she knows consumers would prefer the competitors product over her own line if they tried them. By giving good reviews to some competing products, it appears as though there is no bias.

Again, I'm not saying this is happening, but it is why I will always make up my own mind based on my own experience. apology needed. Sometimes I cringe when I read my posts.

I will say that I have no clue as to how she would even begin to go about something like that.

She would have not only have to figure out which product would go into either category you've set up, but then she would have to word her reviews so that they still hewed to her basic philosophy, something that would virtually be unfeasible considering that her reviews revolve around ingredients.

I hate to say the word "impossible," so I'll just say that it strains credulity to the max. Some would say that nothing is beyond belief, and technically, that is true. But in reality, we discount theories everyday because they don't hit that level of soundness or reasonableness that we demand.

Anyway, I never pegged you as a conspiracist. I don't think you'd last long in that club. Wink

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland