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Wen ..does it really work

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I have good hair but with meds and age I've noticed some differences and before maybe it is a problem I was thinking of trying out wen.  I've listened to presentations for years but never took the plunge.  Would love your thoughts if you use Wen.  

oh more thing what is that wrap Tracy one of the models in the show today called .  Chaz said she wears it to sleep and wakes up with bounce and curl ,  looks beautiful .  He said you can get it on Amazon ?  

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

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I've never tried Wen and never would. Many, many clean shampoos 

with great ingredients for a fraction of the cost. 

All hair product presentations use women with basically very good hair. 

Don t fall for before and afters. I was born with and still have great, thick hair.

Before I style it, it looks awful!

All the models have had their hair styled perfectly before they go on air.

PS no product will give you THICKER hair. A stylist can style hair to give it a thicker look

but WEN will not make your hair thicker.

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

I invested lots of $$$$ and tried several versions, bought kits, bought gallonS, stuck with it for over a year and finally had to face the music. My hair was long at the time (shoulder length) and there were only a handful of times, if that, that I had decent second day hair. The rest of the time, the top was greasy. I had to wear a ponytail on Day Two and would not leave the house.  It never became thicker, fuller, ar anything like any of the models. I eventually moved on.  I am devoted to Tweak'd by Nature now and get much better results. It gives me good second day hair and I am comfortable leaving the house. 

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

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In my experience, my only results were flat hair and clogged drains.  The plumber called me in to see what he retrieved and it was the Wen goop.

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Re: Wen ..does it really work


I have never used it - never will.   A dear friend with beautiful hair used it for several months.  Her hair always looked greasy, not shiny.  The worst part, she developed large cysts in her scalp and the base of her neck.  The Dermatologist said it was from the Wen.

It's basically trying to cleanse your hair and scalp with conditioner.

She also started losing her hair.  She quit using it and everything cleared up. 

Speaking from the experience of my friend.  I have enough problems with my hair already. 

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

My experience with WEN was not good.  I lost hair and my hair was never clean.  Dirty the next day and had to wash again.  I also felt it was more of a hassle to wash my hair with WEN than with any other shampoo and it wasn't worth it to me.  I've been using Tweaked for a couple of years now and love it.  Won't change.

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

I too had clogged drains, my hair was a greasy mess and I also shed and lost about 25 percent of my hair.


That's where you get the clogged drains from.  Then I got silverfish.  The whole thing cost me $1,500. to fix that shower and get rid of the silverfish.


I do not recommend.


And yes, your all correct.  His models have very thick hair and only god knows what they put on them before showtime.


There was a large class action suit against him because people lost their hair I believe some years back.

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

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The vendor's hair always looks like a hot greasy mess, that should have been my first clue,

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Wen ..does it really work

NOPE, not a fan at all. Tried it a few years ago. To be honest I'm surprised he's still on QVC. 

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Re: Wen ..does it really work

Wen works very well for me. I have baby fine highlighted hair. I rinse, rinse, and rinse when I cleanse. I put about a teaspoon in for leave in conditioner. My hair looks and feels the best it has ever in my life.  I have used it for 17 years. I have no clogged drain and no scalp problems.