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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

I used regular shampoo a few weeks ago. My stylist gave me a sample and I didn't want to waste it and toss it. OMG, should have tossed it. My hair was dry and tangled and it felt horrible. I will never go back.


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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

Before Wen I had to use a glossing serum on my hair to tame the frizzies. It was horrible. Now 8 years later my hair is thicker, shiny, and has so much more volume. Stick with it and it is a game changer.

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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

A couple years ago I tried the Fig and didn't notice a significant difference. Then about a year and a half ago I decided to try again, but purchased the TT this time because I had been losing a tremendous amount of hair every day in the shower. Now, I should clarify that this has been going on for several years after losing a child during the third trimester. The doctors told me that it had changed my body chemistry and that I would just have to learn to live with it. I had way more hair than anyone needs so I wasn't as concerned as I might have been. After several years, however, I did notice that my ponytail was thinner and I had tons of wispy hair, not as long as all the rest. The claims on QVC regarding TT convinced me to give it another shot.

Fast forward 18 months. Primarily I use only the TT. I have purchased two TSVs over that year and a half and used the CC that came in them but only occasionally, just a day here and there, never consecutive washings. I do, however, use something other than TT for the immediate cleanse right after coloring my hair as some have mentioned TT has stripped their color. I figure it couldn't hurt to "set" the color with Fig or the new Bamboo the first time, then return to the TT.

My "fallout" is significantly less now, and while my hair always did grow pretty fast, now it grows at an unbelievable pace. I'm desperately overdue to color my hair but looked at the calendar this morning. It's been four weeks since I colored and I have well over an inch of growth, in fact, in some area's it's every bit of an inch and a half. I could realistically color every two weeks.

As a reference point, I have brown, natural curly hair. It can still be wild some days, but it's not FRIZZY, it's a soft mass. Think lion's mane, just below shoulder length. I leave it curly and loose with a clip or barrette on top, or up in a high fluffy ponytail. I do not use the styling products. I always feel weighed down and as though my hair isn't as clean. I do use just a dime-sized dollop of CC as a leave in before getting out of the shower.

I will NOT be switching or discontinuing the Wen, and I'll stick with the TT!

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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

I was just thinking this very thing today as I styled my second day hair! When I used shampoo, I could never, ever go a day without washing my hair - I'd be a greaseball by the next morning, if not sooner! Now, I can simply wet down my second day hair in the shower, blow it out and go. This is especially helpful if I am having trouble taking my hand off the snooze bar ;-) it really is a game changer to be able to skip a wash day - I feel like my highlights don't suffer as much when I cleanse less often as well. My scalp has really almost normalized in the nearly 8 months I have been using Wen - and for a former greaseball like me, that's a miracle, lol! :-)
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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

I have been using Wen now faithfully for about two years. I love it so much I am constantly buying and trying all the different scents. I literally have so much I probably won't need to buy any for two more years. I have short haircut and get my hair cut and colored every 5 weeks and while I blow it dry it takes very little time to blow it dry on warm or cool but I have a lot of cowlicks in my hair so I flat iron the front part. My hair is so healthy and so is my scalp. I do use the styling creme before blowdrying and flat ironing.

The other day I decided to try the remoist which I had never used because my hair is really in good shape but I left it on for 45 minutes then rinsed it out and I could not believe how soft and moisturized my hair is.

I love his products. I even bring my cleansing creme conditioner to the hair dresser with me and the girl who washes my color and hair loves it. She looks forward to my visits so she can see what scent I brought to use.

I have a neighbor who takes care of feeding my stray cats on occasion when I go out of town and she colors her own hair and she mentioned how dry her hair was (on top of being very curly). I gave her a bottle of the Vanilla Winter Mint as a gift for taking care of feeding and she came to me almost in tears telling me how good her hair felt and asking me where she can buy more. I was so pleased to help her out and convert another person to Wen.

Love Wen, love Chaz and love those dogs. I do wonder how stressful it is on them to travel so much. I know he has to board those dogs on the planes in the cargo hold and I worry when he goes to QVC UK on those long trips.

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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

Great Topic! Absolutely: Way less fall-out 1 or 2 when I wash No breaks, or splits More volume Grows at least 3X as fast Lots of new hair filling in No more itchy, oily scalp Gone from daily cleanse and to every other day, less if I'm working from home Stylist of > 15 years says my hair and scalp are in the best condition he's ever seen them! I'm in love! waiting for 613 oil
"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

My hair is softer and has more shine since using Wen. Also seems to grow faster than ever. Wen also allows me to air dry and have full slightly wavy hair with no frizz. This is something that has never happened with shampoo.
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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

I've been using WEN since 2006. I have very curly hair and have always hated it, blew it dry, flat ironed it, etc..

WEN has gotten me to like my curls ( I don't say love because I still wish I had straight hair)

and I wear my hair loose & free instead of always pulled back pre 2006.

My 3 daughters and 4 of my 5 grandkids use it exclusively now as well. Our hair loves the stuff!!

No split ends, little to no frizz, fast hair growth, beautiful curl definition. Awesome stuff!

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Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

Took me about 4 months before I decided to stick with it. Pom was my first CC and it made my hair dryer and I hated it. I ordered TT and Fig and I began to see a difference. In my case, I made up my mind to stick with it until I saw what everyone was raving about. It didn't happen right away. I'm glad I didn't give up.

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Registered: ‎02-25-2012

Re: Wen -- Do you see a big difference in your hair from when you were using regular shampoo?

I love my WEN!! I've used it for about 8 years, but stopped around my 3rd year for about 7 months to try Ojon. Don't know why-just got sold on it one day. It has some good products, but when it comes to hair, WEN has it beat, hands down! I started out with Lav and then tried the TT. It's too heavy for my baby fine, ultra thin hair. Now I'm using Pom but will go back to Lav soon. Gave some to my daughter to try several years ago & she didn't like it. Didn't matter how much I talked, she wasn't listening. About a year ago she called me crying. She colored her hair herself and the color was bright orange like a clown. She wanted me to suggest a brand of hair color she could go buy to re-color her hair that same day. Against my advice she went and bought some and re-colored that day. Next she called crying to tell me she had brightnorange hair with medium brown streaks in her hair. And to top that off, about 2" of all her hair was very badly fried. Her hair was breaking off in her hands when she touched it. Thank goodness she hadn't thrown away the WEN I had sent her. I had her use the oil on all of her hair and leave it in overnight. She washed with WEN the next day and put the oil on all the ends. She re-applied the oil twice a day for 5 days & then washed with WEN. Her hair stopped breaking off and the ends, according to her, actually looked and felt much better. She still had to have her hair trimmed to even it up but she saved alot of her hair. She used some daily color rinse on her hair when she had to go somewhere and eventually the colors faded out. You can't pull the WEN out of her hands now!! Her 15 yr old daughter uses her WEN and her 10 yr old daughter uses the Children's WEN. Her husband shaves his head & has a dry scalp. I told her to have him use the WEN and she said "No! He will start using her's and won't really appreciate the quality!!".