A couple years ago I tried the Fig and didn't notice a significant difference. Then about a year and a half ago I decided to try again, but purchased the TT this time because I had been losing a tremendous amount of hair every day in the shower. Now, I should clarify that this has been going on for several years after losing a child during the third trimester. The doctors told me that it had changed my body chemistry and that I would just have to learn to live with it. I had way more hair than anyone needs so I wasn't as concerned as I might have been. After several years, however, I did notice that my ponytail was thinner and I had tons of wispy hair, not as long as all the rest. The claims on QVC regarding TT convinced me to give it another shot.
Fast forward 18 months. Primarily I use only the TT. I have purchased two TSVs over that year and a half and used the CC that came in them but only occasionally, just a day here and there, never consecutive washings. I do, however, use something other than TT for the immediate cleanse right after coloring my hair as some have mentioned TT has stripped their color. I figure it couldn't hurt to "set" the color with Fig or the new Bamboo the first time, then return to the TT.
My "fallout" is significantly less now, and while my hair always did grow pretty fast, now it grows at an unbelievable pace. I'm desperately overdue to color my hair but looked at the calendar this morning. It's been four weeks since I colored and I have well over an inch of growth, in fact, in some area's it's every bit of an inch and a half. I could realistically color every two weeks.
As a reference point, I have brown, natural curly hair. It can still be wild some days, but it's not FRIZZY, it's a soft mass. Think lion's mane, just below shoulder length. I leave it curly and loose with a clip or barrette on top, or up in a high fluffy ponytail. I do not use the styling products. I always feel weighed down and as though my hair isn't as clean. I do use just a dime-sized dollop of CC as a leave in before getting out of the shower.
I will NOT be switching or discontinuing the Wen, and I'll stick with the TT!