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@monicakm  It sounds like you are mentally and physically ready for this surgery! It's the best way to go into it, knowing you will be better off after it. 


Lots of prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way for an uneventful and successful surgery.🙏🏻


Think of all the time you can spend catching up on whatever your heart desires while you recuperate. And before you know it, your fur babies will be able to snuggle with you once again💕🐾💕


Oh you know everyone will save your spot on the boards for when you are able to chat once again! Until then, we all will miss your comments and fun makeup posts and pics!


Take good care!





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Re: Well, It's Time

[ Edited ]

@monicakm im sending speedy recovery wishes for you!  Ill miss your posts. 🥰 and look forward to your return! 

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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Good luck and a speedy recovery @monicakm . We'll all miss you here. Heart


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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

@monicakm   Wishing you all the best.   We'll miss you temporarily until you're back.   I'm sure you will feel so much better once this is done and you're through most of your PT.

Sending hugs.


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My friend just had her knee done and doing good now getting around.  Takes time but keep at it.  You will be glad you did.


Good luck and positive thoughts  for you. 



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Again prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.   Keep us posted when you are able.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Praying all goes well during your surgery and recovery.



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@monicakm   Best to you, Ms Monica. Trust your team, they know what theiy're doing. They will be with you all the way. 


I don't know what your knee problem is ubt I do know many of us have knee problems of sorts. May your team give you the relief you're hoping for. BLessings.


Looking forward to your report on the flip side!

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Sending good thoughts and a prayer for your speedy recovery!
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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

@monicakm   thinking of you!  prayers for your quick recovery.  Let us know how you are doing.