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Posts: 20,085
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I was so SO afraid my hairdresser gave me the worst haircut EVER for my special evening with Mahomes.  My haircut was on Wed.  I told her just maybe 1/8 of an inch.  She knew I had a special event to go to.  She kept cutting and cutting and snipping here and there. Using her chunkers (which I like but she used them a lot!).  I didn't wash or style my hair till Friday night.  I cut my own bangs that night.  My hair doesn't "move" when I shake my head.  I like it to be long enough that it has some movement, BUT, it turned out GREAT Smiley Happy  I love it.  It's basically the same cut but shorter and cut closer to my neck like this.  I've shown her this cut before and say "...only a little longer."  I forgot the "a little longer" part LOL

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