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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

@jaxs mom wrote:

@beautty wrote:

@HappyDaze wrote:

I think it is great we live in the United States where we can express our individuality in various ways, it is just disappointing that people still feel the need to judge people for it.

RIGHT ON!!!!!!! There's a HUGE difference between personal preference and openly spreading negative judgment of someone's choice of Style. Furthermore Josie is SO COOL that she won't care about a mean comment about her appearance.Cat HappyHeartWoman Very Happy

Exactly! It's perfectly acceptable to not like that specfic color. The problem is that many posts take it to a personal level of judgement on peoples intelligence ect ect ect. 

Yes exactly ladies! 

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

I'm surprised Josie still has that hideous blue hair.  I would never have believed that she could look bad no matter what she did, but the blue hair did it.  It looks like a totally flat color on my TV, not the multi-dimensional honey color she always had.  I didn't see her today.

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

I don't care what color hair Josie has as long as she keeps bringing me her wonderful products!....My face and the rest of me thank her everyday when I look in the mirror..Smiley Happy

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

Well, I think Kat Von D is beautiful! I really could care less what color Josie's hair is, or if someone has tattoos. I have 3, and will more than likely be getting more. Kat Von D is a strong, independent woman who is successful. The same goes for Josie. I put purple stripes in my hair, and was told to change it, and that I could not return to work until it was removed. This place of employment put it as a " no, no" in their employee handbook, so they could justify their control of their employees. I thought it was rather funny because 2 elderly residents at this job said to me, " I loved your hair. The color of your hair has nothing to do with what a great nurse you are, and how you care for us." 

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

I don't like it and I don't think it does anything to enhance her looks.  However, she is a lovely,  successful business woman and it's her hair. 

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

Josie was never legally married to the father of her 2 girls.  They had a "spiritual ceremony".  You can google this info.

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

It is Jose's hair and she doesnt need to explain her style to anyone. Please dont worry about those who support her and her right to do as she pleases as it is Jose who is laughing all the way to the bank by being a succesful, inventive generous beautiful individual. Sometimes I worry more about women who feel the need to bash, judge and put down other women who dare stray from their own version of "normal" I always said no man ever has to put a woman down because other women will gladly do it for them. Is ok to not like something or have or even post an opinion but is totally another thing and inaccurate ...well and mean spirited to say things like "most people do not like it" (really you surely have polled the millions of buyers out there beyond the very narrow sampling of QVC forums?) or saying they worry more about those who like and support Jose's hair" spreading judgement even beyond their own opinion of Jose's new do to include other posters. Claws out much? Sometimes I wonder often about the intetrnet and social media, good place to share and get information but has enabled lots of zealous armchair combatants to do war on others in the relative safety of their anonymousness and guilded castles of negativity. LOL Is good to see the majority of non-judgemental supportive comments here expressing individuality and the right to express it even if one admittedly doesnt care for the style. Live and Let Live. I would hope Im not in a wheelchair after having served for the freedoms some take for granted later find I have served for nothing but present hurtful division and negativity amongst each other,.In some nations you have to conform to their demands so just be thankful that we have this freedom to express ourselves in the peaceful eclectic manner Jose has. Is all I can say.......gotta love this freedom.

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

@henderson wrote:

Josie was never legally married to the father of her 2 girls.  They had a "spiritual ceremony".  You can google this info.

Does it really matter? They had been together for a very long time and had two children together. 

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

@Stormygirl We're not putting her down.  We just don't like how her hair looks dyed blue.  I'm not a fan of most unnatural color schemes for hair, though if they're done really well or really suit someone there are exceptions.  If she had had variation in color, it would look much better.  Perhaps she could have had various blues or blue with her previous color, or whatever.  My TV might not show it accurately, but it looks very dull and one-dimensional.  I'm assuming this is just something she did on a whim and she'll go back to a more natural color soon.  At any rate, I agree that it's her choice as to what to do with her own hair.  That doesn't mean everyone will think it's as flattering as what she had before.

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Re: Was Shocked by Josie's Appearance!!!

@jaxs mom wrote:

@henderson wrote:

Josie was never legally married to the father of her 2 girls.  They had a "spiritual ceremony".  You can google this info.

Does it really matter? They had been together for a very long time and had two children together. 

I thought I read somewhere or maybe heard her say on-air that she was getting married about a year ago.  Maybe it was the ceremony that she was talking about, but I thought she said she was getting married.  At any rate, I'm sorry to hear they've split since they have two young children.  That's very sad.