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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Waiting to go to physical therapy


Sorry to hear you had a bad PT who didn't listen to you. Yes, the machines are good in PT, but when they tried me to hopscotch that was a killer for the first day out of surgery I didn't drive for 2 months due to pain meds. After 40 days, I said that's enough and went off of them. I was very lucky to have had very slight withdraw issues.  I also have fibro/chronic pain. So I know how you are pretty much feeling with that and then put surgery on top of that. whewwww. 

The medication they gave me back when I had surgery is not offered now for knee replacement. I have no idea what they give you for pain now. I take Meloxicam for arthritis and Fibro--. max. dosage. I didn't think it was helping after all these years, but when my Dr. told me to stop.. oh Lordy did I feel all the pain worsen. So back I went on. Some pain is better than excruciating pain. I wish all the best and keep up with those beauty regimens too.Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Waiting to go to physical therapy


They use to do double knee surgeries around here, but have stopped. They found that people just didn't do all that well.. (big surprise), but some people insisted on it with poor success. I can't even imagine what it would be like having both done. 

Way back when I was in my 30's I had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands at the same time.. good grief. I don't know what I would have done if my DH wouldn't have been a big helper to me.

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Posts: 4,915
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: Waiting to go to physical therapy


Oh. I also want to mention, ice your knee after doing your PT or exercises at home the swelling will be be reduce, plus it feels good too. I know it seems a tough road at first, but you will get through it and be so happy you did.