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Re:WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

I'm a 7+ year Wen user and have not had a clogged drain or a slippery tub.

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

@maestra wrote:

@Bullyeye  Yes to both your questions; clogged pipes have been a bone of contention for Wen users.


Might be cheaper to change shampoos than to have to call a plumber.



“A bone of contention for WEN users.”  I don’t think so.  8 year WEN user here, no problem.  I have the BEST hair ever!


Thanks Chaz!

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

People had this issue.  I am gussing you use too much.  if you use just enough  it should emulsify and break down  and rince away normal

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

[ Edited ]

Yes!  My use of Wen does clog my shower drain and does make my tub slippery.  What I have to do is after I'm out and dried off (or I'll get too cold) I'll take the shower head down and put it on the fastest setting and shoot it into the drain closeup.  Also, I use the hottest water I can stand which is another reason I have to do this outside of the tub.  After firing the strongest jet possible of hot water, it will finally clear.  I do this after each shower and if I don't the water rises to my ankles.  


Continually using drain opener will eventually damage your pipes and I'm certainly not going to go the expense of calling a plumber. 





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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

I'm a 3+ year WEN user, and my hair is below my shoulder blades, so I use a lot of WEN.


I live in a house with 85 year old pipes.  We have very hard water in this area, and I have exactly the same plumbing issues after using WEN as I had before.


Since I bought the house I grew up in, I know the history of plumbing issues, slow drains, etc. going back more than half a century.

WEN hasn't caused any new problems or worsened any old chronic ones.


Poster upthread is correct in mentioning some WEN users don't use enough water to work up a good frothy cleanse. WEN is concentrated, and shouldn't be going down your drains in 'blops'. It should be going down the drain as cloudy frothy water.  


If your shower floor is slippery put a small towel on the floor or  top of your bathmat before you turn the water on.

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

Tried Wen when it first came out; didn't care for it at all; can't imagine putting up with plumbing issues too!
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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

[ Edited ]

@x Hedge wrote:

I'm a 3+ year WEN user, and my hair is below my shoulder blades, so I use a lot of WEN.


I live in a house with 85 year old pipes.  We have very hard water in this area, and I have exactly the same plumbing issues after using WEN as I had before.


Since I bought the house I grew up in, I know the history of plumbing issues, slow drains, etc. going back more than half a century.

WEN hasn't caused any new problems or worsened any old chronic ones.


Poster upthread is correct in mentioning some WEN users don't use enough water to work up a good frothy cleanse. WEN is concentrated, and shouldn't be going down your drains in 'blops'. It should be going down the drain as cloudy frothy water.  


If your shower floor is slippery put a small towel on the floor or  top of your bathmat before you turn the water on.

With all due respect.  I've been using Wen for a dozen years and there is no blop or plop or glop of Wen going down my drain.  I use plenty of water too and I still get a slow drain and a slippery tub.  @x Hedge  When I change to certain brands it doesn't happen.  With Tresseme, like Wen it also did.  

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

@Bullyeye wrote:

I have been using WEN daily...I work out and need to wash after exercise...and I have had to call the plumber to unclog the shower drain!!  This has NEVER happened before, and the only new variable is WEN which I have been using for a month.  Also, does your shower get slippery?  Almost took a spill from the slippery residue as I was washing.



@Bullyeye  WEN cleanser & all products (Styling Cream I used to use in the shower too) all contain silicones...a slippery substance to add shine & smoothe hair cuticles, but also coats hair. That may be your issue.


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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

I've had no problems with clogged drains, etc - I've used Wen for years.

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Re: WEN...does it clog your drains and make shower slippery?

@Pook wrote:

When I used WEN I never had a problem with clogged drains but every month I pour a half a cup of baking soda down the drain then pour a cup of distilled vinegar in.  After it is done bubbling I pour a tea pot full of boiling water down the drain and never have a clog anymore.  

I don't use WEN but that sounds like good drain maintenance to me!  Will have to try that.