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SO I wish we could get a  straight answer about the life of the products.  If the manufacturer date is already 3 + years then that exceeds what I was told by a WEN tech  online.  Why are they still selling these outdated products?  Or maybe she was mistaken and they do not actually expire till opened.  Much of our sealed food is probably made years ago and we just don't know it!  Think of canned goods...

The large conditioner/body cream is a good deal but lots of complaints about it being manufactured in 2019!

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Re: WEN and expiring dates....

[ Edited ]

There are no official rules/regulations when it comes to shelf life and expiration dating for cosmetics/skincare. Only industry guidelines are followed which manufacturers use to provide safe and effective products through testing of the products. Some manufacturers track how long their products have been on shelves, too, but not always and that info along with their testing results are not required to be shared with the FDA. Nonetheless, products need to be proven safe and effective upon inspection by the FDA and if found unsafe (or ineffective in some cases) then products are pulled and/or an official warning statements are published and posted on the FDA site.



If a cosmetic product contains sunscreen then it has to show an exp date on the bottle b/c sunscreen is FDA classified as a drug. All drugs come with expiration dates. 

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Re: WEN and expiring dates....

I thought all his product was lost in the Q warehouse fire recently and that is why no gallons until September?  His stuff should be really fresh if this is true.  

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎07-06-2011

Re: WEN and expiring dates....

I will never order WEN again!! I got a purchase that was manufactured in 2018 several months ago! Are they clearing out the warehouses! It’s not fresh!!
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Re: WEN and expiring dates....

@bargainsgirl  - I have been using Wen for the past 10 years and have never had any issues with the product.  If you really want it, go ahead and order it.  If there's an issue, you can always return.  Why don't you post this in the Wen forum.  You will probably get your answer there.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,088
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: WEN and expiring dates....

[ Edited ]

@CBonifacio wrote:
I will never order WEN again!! I got a purchase that was manufactured in 2018 several months ago! Are they clearing out the warehouses! It’s not fresh!!




I don't believe that any shampoos and conditioners have expiration dates.   


If the product is shelf stable and sealed in an air tight container, they have a very long shelf life.  This type of product can still be used even though it isn't "fresh".  Whatever that means to you.  


If you want to use only products that were manufactured last week, it's on you to check dates whenever you receive an order.