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Registered: ‎04-20-2014

My hair has started to grow after my chemo treatments. Since it is like baby's hair, what kind of WEN should I use? Thanks Betty

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I would suggest tea tree or bamboo green tea. They both help your hair grow really fast. Also, overnight oil treatments for your scalp would help your hair to grow in faster and thicker. I am happy to hear you are finishing your chemo treatments. I hope all is well. May God bless you on this Easter morning.
Smiley Happy Hilary
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I'd second the Bamboo Green Tea! I love it and my hair has been growing so fast!

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Registered: ‎04-20-2014

Thanks. I will try the Bamboo Green Tea since both of you love it. Will also try the oil treatment.

I hope you have a Blessed Easter.

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Zaluck, I'm happy to hear your chemo treatments are finished and hope things continue upward for you. An additional benefit to the Bamboo Green Tea is that it has skin care ingredients in it and will be beneficial for your skin as well.

Wishing you a long healthy life and beautiful hair.

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Oh yes, okiebug is so right....I use it on my skin too. Should have mentioned that in my first post LOL. Smiley Wink And yes, congrats on your chemo being over and done!

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Zaluck02, I noticed you are a new poster and I am not trying to tell you what to do, just want you to be aware. There are a number of post about people losing their hair when using WEN. I experienced hair loss as well. You may want to read these just to be informed about the issue. Good luck on your recovery!

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My mom had breast cancer and went through chemo treatments. She lost her hair. I put tea tree oil and tea tree mist on her scalp. Her hair grew back nicely.
Smiley Happy Hilary
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Zaluck02, welcome to Wen and to the Wen forum. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. This is a great forum and there are a lot of people here who know a lot about Wen. Smile

I think okiebug makes a great point about BGT since it also has the additional skin care ingredients in it. I would also recommend rotating in the TT CC because tea tree oil has medicinal benefits as well.

Wishing the best for you as you move forward!!

-- bebe {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Zaluck02, congrats on finishing chemo!! I haven't been using Wen long enough to give you any specific product recommendations but I'm an oncology RN and I just had a few thoughts with the hopes of being helpful.

I've read on the forums that the oils can do amazing things for growth but since they contain essential oils, they have the potential to interact with certain medications. You might want to check with your doctor before trying the oils. The CC's also have essential oils in them, but I'm assuming in lower concentrations and also you wouldn't be leaving it on your scalp as long but you still might want to check with your doctor before trying any Wen products, especially if you are on a lot (or even any) medications.

Some general recommendations are also to avoid dying or doing chemical treatments on your hair for as long as possible (at least 6 months), even if it grows back all grey or white. It is so fragile when it first comes back and you run the risk of it breaking, plus it doesn't hold the dye well. Also, the less heat you use on your hair the better (do I sound like Chaz??). It's best to avoid anything that puts tension on your new hairs, like wearing tight hats, clips, or headbands. Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase can do wonders to help prevent breakage and they can be purchased pretty inexpensively on Amazon or at BB&B. If you decide Wen isn't right for you, we advise our patients to use baby shampoo for the first few months.

Good luck and happy hair growing to you!!