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are up today. They have Wunder 2, Satin or Silk pillowcases, Perricone MD, ME Permanent Hair Reduction, Beauty Scoop & Michael Todd products.

Have fun Shopping!!!!!!!!!

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Posts: 38,221
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Thanks for the reminder @Nightowlz Woman Happy Wow the deals are really good today. If anyone wants to buy the Me Chic hair remover then today is the day! 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Sugipine wrote:

Thanks for the reminder @Nightowlz Woman Happy Wow the deals are really good today. If anyone wants to buy the Me Chic hair remover then today is the day! 

@Sugipine I put a post it note on my computer monitor because I always forget to check View Your Deal, GMA deals etc. Even with the post it note I still don't always remember to check them out. LOL!!! 

Today Show also has some Jill's Steals & Deals listed if you can find them. They don't really seem to have a set day to do their deals.

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With all these "DEALS" we are going to be a Nation of "SHOPPING ADDICTS!" Kind of sad that we are so obsessed with it! 😱
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Posts: 38,221
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

I forget about them, too. @Nightowlz Did you know HLN (news) started having deals? Theirs is called HLN Deals and they post new ones starting on Wednesdays. So many now to keep track of.Woman Very Happy