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Posts: 364
Registered: ‎06-08-2012

VTS - Thanks for the advice! :)

I couldn't find the thread, but it was recent... Someone responded to a post and said how to use the volumizing treatment spray. She actually explained it in a way where I had one of those light bulb moments and went, "Oh I get it!!" lol

She said to spray it on your hands and work it through your hair. I never had thought of that actually...I'd just spritzed randomly and figured it would work. It didn't, I was bummed and had considered not buying more of the VTS since I'm just about out. But I tried her method of working it through my wet hair after cleansing, and I have to say the product works amazingly this way!! I was on the fence before and kind of thought it drying and not great, but thanks to this tipster, I absolutely **love** what the VTS does for my hair now.

Since I couldn't find the original thread, I just wanted to post this and say thank you so very very much for the tip--You rock!!!