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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

I've been trying to figure out just who QVC has in mind when selecting beauty products to sell.


I don't know anyone who has all these skin and hair issues - and we are all older, retired women.  None of us are in need of "industrial strength" products.

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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

This is nothing new..  The whole purpose of makeup is to improve one's appearance.  Human nature will always try to do that.   I don't see it as "perfection" - more as "enhancement".


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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

@Snowpuppy wrote:

@Bird mama  unfortunately, women are their own worst enemy.  





No truer words!! Never before this year thought badly about aging. Lost few close friends and husband (ex) unexpectedly. Right away! Realized wow! You never know. Where do I want my treasures? I enjoy TCM very much so, research actors and actresses. Often many sad tragic personal stories. Makes me think of my twin so driven built successful lucrative business. No time for children in fact ended her pregnancy sigh!! Now going through divorce which truthfully love ended long ago. My point! What does it mean? Tell her how much money is enough? Mean really? Ooh sorry got off track.
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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

[ Edited ]

@Shanus wrote:

@jaxs mom. We live in a youth driven culture. Models are sometimes as young as 14. Estée Lauder is now pushing a line w/ Kendall or Kylie Jenner (can't keep them straight) as spokesmodel. Even my BB which used to appeal to women Bobbi's age (30 when she began) & even before she left the company, models on her site were 18-20, eyehadows became sparkly for that age group & EL who took over that line has been introducing "line blurring sticks", etc. That's trying to sell the promise of youth and perfection.


So what? Stop buying fashion magazines that are aimed at the 14-32 demographic if it bothers you or if that look doesn't represent your idea of beauty. Seek out other sources, they're out there. There are fashion magazines ( if that's what you're into) that cater to the over 40 demographic if that's the look you prefer. There are tons of alternative fashion icons and styles. 


I'm ot sure why so many people, especially on this board want anything they don't like to be erased from the universe. Focus on what you like instead of what you don't. 

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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

Today ordered few makeup items. Do use IT Natually Pretty pallete eyeshadow. Not into heavy makeup No thanks! Want to look like myself. Soft natural simply uncomplicated. Own very small amount of makeup. Society has always been youth obsessed, You do know why? Mortality! Simply put youth is elixer, trust me. That's why men and women have midlife crises.
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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

Turning 60 was the best thing for me. I became less obsessed with achieving and being perfect. It is refreshing to not have to feel like I have to look a certain way.  

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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

Makeup has been around since before Cleopatra, so that's nothing new. Obviously the businesses are pushing their products, and the majority of the models are tall, youthful and photoshopped. It is up to consumers to determine what they want to accomplish vis-a-vis particular products. I am an average-looking middle aged woman. That's fine. I try to incorporate some common sense and my goal is to work with, and enhance, what I have. Nobody is perfect, and I certainly would not put such pressure on myself.
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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection



Not my discussion.  Copied it over from another forum for Shanus.

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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

I responded in the other thread of the same title.


Summary: It's not a new trend; it's just a newer way of expressing and seeing it.

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Re: Unfortunate Trend Towards Perfection

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Turning 60 was the best thing for me. I became less obsessed with achieving and being perfect. It is refreshing to not have to feel like I have to look a certain way.  

Not yet 60 ... but already feel the same way about not obsessing about how I look all the time. I think part of it is, at least IMO, older women kind of disapear in the minds of other people. You know ... the people watchers ... they tend to focus on younger women or the outrageously dressed person. (And I include myself in people watchers at public events/airport/shopping, etc).


As for makeup ... my routine simplified a few years back. I use a gentle cleanser, couple of Dr Denese items for skin care. For makeup I use a BB cream, a touch of BM summer bisque, brow liner and mascara ...maybe a bit of lip stain. My whole routine probably takes under 2-3 minutes. Spend more time taking it off. Smiley Happy


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