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Posts: 280
Registered: ‎07-22-2011

Tried a new "old home remedy" mask

Hi All:

I was looking for a homemade healthy exfoliating mask, treid this receipe I found on You Tube and I am very pleased with the results.

Here are the ingredients:

Garbanzo Bean Flour (chick pea flour)

Sweet Almond Oil


Mix about equal parts Garbanzo bean flour and Sweet Almond oil until it forms into a paste. Add a few dashes of tumeric, and rub it around gently avoiding eye area. Let sit for 5-10 minutes and wash off.

The results were amazing, the Tumeric stimulates the blood flow, you can feel it. My skin is so soft, it's easy, and amazingly cheap. It does get a little messy so do it in the bathroom.